Hi there.

Edge would be better to speak to people like SKY GO and sort out why that application won't work with SKY GO -- I know SKY GO uses Silverlight - which is hideous in itself but surely two big companies (ms and SKY) should be able to speak to each other to sort out a sensible policy for handling DRM content and ensure that if Edge is to replace IE11 then it can handle an app LOADS of people still use on a PC.

These days the battle is over CONTENT and if Edge can't deliver then even if it is the most modern / fastest / most secure etc browser people won't switch to it until it can handle commonly used apps.

Seems like this team is hunting around for an application to run EDGE on -- apart from the PDF function which is good I don't bother with it myself at all -- Firefox for normal browsing and IE11 for running CITRIX and SKY GO.
