Odd change in MS account list of devices

  1. Posts : 15,865

    Odd change in MS account list of devices

    I was just checking my list of devices in my MS account, and I noticed two od things.

    1) My Hyper-V virtual machines are just listed generically as "virtual machines" whereas they always used to be listed as "Hyper-V virtual machines". I liked it that way so I could tell Hyper-V machines separately from VMWARE VMS.

    2) One of my VMs is now still listed in my MS account, even though I changed it to a local account. Previously device was always removed if you changed from MSA to local account. This is a good move assuming it is a change, not a glitch as this means the digital licence link will be retained if you changed to a local account for any reason.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,477

    cereberus said:
    I was just checking my list of devices in my MS account, and I noticed two od things.

    1) My Hyper-V virtual machines are just listed generically as "virtual machines" whereas they always used to be listed as "Hyper-V virtual machines". I liked it that way so I could tell Hyper-V machines separately from VMWARE VMS.
    Interesting. You are correct - they did say VMware version xxx but now they do not.

    For me, VirtualBox (red) is still described as "VirtualBox". VMware (green) and Hyper-V (yellow) both say the generic "Virtual Machine"

    Odd change in MS account list of devices-capture.png

    cereberus said:
    2) One of my VMs is now still listed in my MS account, even though I changed it to a local account. Previously device was always removed if you changed from MSA to local account. This is a good move assuming it is a change, not a glitch as this means the digital licence link will be retained if you changed to a local account for any reason.
    It is definitely retained anyway. My Hyper-V VMs (Yellow above) are local accounts as they are for playing with insider builds. I always clean install and they always activate.

    I also have more (old unused but activated) VMs that that are linked to this MS account and don't appear. I think the website shows recently connected VMs but isn't really tied to activation or license. It would be hard to test that though but I'll resurrect an old one and see.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,865
    Thread Starter

    Interesting that vbox shows but not hyper-v/vmware. I reckon this is a glitch.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,477

    cereberus said:
    Interesting that vbox shows but not hyper-v/vmware. I reckon this is a glitch.
    Yup - I think you are right.

    It didn't do it in the past for sure (or rather it distinguished one type from another).

    My VBox VMs until recently used to describe themselves as "Innotek" (the company that owned VBox before Oracle bought it so many years ago).

    I guess they are (slowly) trying to give more accurate descriptions.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,865
    Thread Starter

    lx07 said:
    Yup - I think you are right.

    It didn't do it in the past for sure (or rather it distinguished one type from another).

    My VBox VMs until recently used to describe themselves as "Innotek" (the company that owned VBox before Oracle bought it so many years ago).

    I guess they are (slowly) trying to give more accurate descriptions.
    Well "virtual machine" is certainly accurate but not that helpful.

    I guess I will just add HV, VB, VM etc as part of pc name in future (or at least for non Hyper-V vms as I use Hyper-V mostly).

    It is odd this change seems to coincide with lifting 10 device limit to 2000, which I yet to see happen. I wonder if it kicks in when you reach 10?
      My Computer


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