Anyway to increase screen size Remote (on LAN) Windows VM

  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Anyway to increase screen size Remote (on LAN) Windows VM

    Hi folks

    I'm connecting to a remote Windows VM from a Centos 7 machine via RDESKTOP.

    Connection is fine -- SSL is good but Screen size is fixed -- anybody know of parameters how to change it --

    Anyway to increase screen size  Remote (on LAN) Windows VM-login4.png

    On the Centos machine the windows desktop is too small --but at least the connection works !!.

    Hi there

    Found the answer -- use parameter -f for full screen (ctrl alt enter to exit full screen) or -g% for % of local screen to use or nnnn X nnnn for resolution.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    I use xfreerdp to remote from CentOS to Windows, setting resolution in command line:

    xfreerdp -g 1600x900 -u Kari WindosPC_Name_Or_IP
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux
    Thread Starter

    Kari said:
    I use xfreerdp to remote from CentOS to Windows, setting resolution in command line:

    xfreerdp -g 1600x900 -u Kari WindosPC_Name_Or_IP

    Thanks --that works too

    For the OTHER way around - Windows--> Linux -- although not actually relevant to this post -- it does seem that tigervnc (server) is broken in latest CENTOS release (7.3 / 7.4) - but I don't need it as there are alternative methods such as bog standard RDP.

    I only need the command line - so a GUI isn't required by me FROM Windows. Putty is a good way though of making a secure connection FROM Windows as it has SSL and tunnelling facilities (and of course FREE !!)..

    On a Windows client (for example a Laptop) to access the Linux server bog standard RDP works provided XRDP is up and running on the Linux server. I use this sometimes if I need to connect to a NAS server (running Linux) which I have running headless.

    There's also an android app I can use to enter commands using a mobile phone to connect --don't need a GUI from a mobile phone though !! SSL is the best way and simply use the command line.

    It seems a shame that most Windows users seem very scared to use command line -- it's not that difficult --even in Windows !!!!.

      My Computer


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