V2P Tutorial needed!!

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  1. Posts : 156
    Win 7, Win-10
    Thread Starter

    Hello Kari,

    Was wondering how would i go about moving user folders to another partition while installing from this image since I did not do that while installing the OS the first time.

    Can I still move the users folder as if I'm installing the OS for the first time OR do I need to go through the route of moving the users folder (while creating a dummy account that can be deleted later) on existing OS?

    Thanks for your assistance
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You can always relocate the Users folder in an existing installation (Method Two in tutorial), although I only recommend using the Sysprep method for relocation in clean installs (Method One in tutorial).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,524
    Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) 16299.15

    It's also perhaps worth noting that the ability to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 using the Windows 7 Product Key didn't get switched off immediately on the Windows 10 cutoff date at the end of July.

    For all I know, that route may still work and you could use the Windows 7 key during the install process, although you might have better luck using a '1511' ISO to initially install and activate and then installing 1607 later, as it's possible the 1607 installer might not accept a key from Win7/8.x (?)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,869

    nkaufman said:
    Well, I can try and see what happens.If not then I can always use a fresh Win-10 license.

    I have multiple Win-10 images that I was planning on converting to physical machines but if they do NOT work then all is NOT lost. Just need to re-jig my plans.

    Can I move these VMs to different machines i.e can new units each have one of these VMs without any issue? Or does moving the VMs cause an issue? Since these are genuine keys, I have no problem contacting MS if such a need arises.
    As far as I know vms can be transferred to another pc but if not you can use the activation troubleshhooter.
      My Computer


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