How To Install Emulator And Hyper V - Hyper V Won't Install Windows 10
Hello, i am having trouble installing the Windows 10 mobile emulator for Visual Studio 2015
First I got this message when I attemped to install the first time
(see screenshot 1)
Dropbox - install microsoft emulator 1st try.PNG
So I went to the bios menu and seen Hardware Virtulization was disabled (See Screenshot 2)
Dropbox - CAM00383.jpg
I then enabled Hardware virtualization (See Screenshot 3)
Dropbox - CAM00382.jpg
I then went back to install the Emulator again and then I got this message
(See Screenshot 4)
Dropbox - install microsoft emulator 2nd try.PNG
So I then went to the website suggested on the first error message
How to enable Hyper-V for the emulator for Windows Phone 8
to find out what went wrong and it said to a SLAT Check. I download the software and I performed the check and the results were good.
(See Screenshot 5)
Dropbox - install microsoft emulator screen 3.PNG
It then said to perform the "Checking BIOS settings required by Hyper-V for Data Execution Prevention"
Went to the performance option and the message said my computer supports hardware based DEP. So I should be able to use Hyper V
(See Screenshot 6)
Dropbox - DEP screenshot 4.PNG
Next it said to perform "Enabling Hyper-V in Windows" and THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS.
Hyper V is not showing up in features
(See Screenshot 7)
Dropbox - no Hyper V screeshot 5.PNG
So I searched on google to find solutions and came across a few websites to check more enabling options. One was to see if Hyper V is in System Information. It is and everyting is marked "yes"
(See Screenshot 8)
Dropbox - System Info-Hyper V screenshot 6.PNG
I Then went to a over everything again and found something on installing Hyper V and tried it and still not Showing up in Features.
Another article said see if Hyper V is in System Configuration and enable
(See Screenshot 9)
So I unticked one "Wallet Service" so I could "Enable All" and clicked enable all
restarted my computer. Still Hyper V on Features.
Another article said Try turning on Hyper V on from services, so I did that and got this error message saying "it stated the stopped"
(See Screenshot 10)
Still can't get Hyper V.
Here is the version of Windows 10 on my computer (Windows 10 Home)
(See Screenshot 11)
Now some sites say I have to have Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise. My response would be why would my computer have everything else in place with Hyper V and I would not be able to use it?