TP 9860 shared folders crashing

  1. Posts : 28
    W8 Pro 64bit

    TP 9860 shared folders crashing

    Installed-updated successfully latest 9860 build,but am unable to assign shared folders.
    Happened to anyone else,a workaround maybe?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28
    W8 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    TP 9860 running in VMware 6.0.3,re-installed VM tools,re-assigned folder to be "shared",will not show up.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,524
    Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) 16299.15

    I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm using VirtualBox and couldn't figure out how to get the VirtualBox Shared Folders to work properly in Build 9860 either.

    What does work for me is setting a folder in the host PC to be Shared and just mapping to it directly, although that does make it accessible more widely than just host-guest.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 16
    Win 10 Pro x64 1909, Win 10 Pro 2004 x64

    TP 9860 update from 9841 in Player 6.0.3, shared folders doesn't work, re-install Tools & reassign shared folder didn't work. Uninstall Tools in Add/Remove, reboot re-install tools...shared folders working.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 28
    W8 Pro 64bit
    Thread Starter

    EarthBoundMisfi said:
    Uninstall Tools in Add/Remove, reboot re-install tools...shared folders working.
    Simple,straight-forward approach,did the job.Thanks for the concern,thank you for sharing!
    Repping the gentleman from Jersey,marking as solved...
      My Computer


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