Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?

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  1. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    spapakons said:
    Well the answer to the question if you can run the virtual machine in the background, is no. Once you logoff Hyper-V will terminate. You could possibly switch user to another account (without logoff the account running the virtual machine) but I am not sure if you can do it in Windows 10 and how. Try searching for that with the search icon. Type switch user and see the results.
    Of course all applications, virtualization and everything else will be closed when a user logs out. Hyper-V has a nice feature, though: you can leave a vm on and running and just log out from your account in host or shutdown / hibernate your host PC:

    Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?-2015_10_09_22_53_122.png

    When signing back in you can select if the vm will be automatically restored to its saved state or booted up, and set the delay for that:

    Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?-2015_10_09_22_54_053.png

    If you instead of signing off just switch users, the Hyper-V virtual machines keep running normally on your user account as any application would do. You can simply use remote desktop connection to remote it from another user account: User A has setup a vm in Hyper-V in his user account. User B needs to use the PC, User A agrees and switches to User B's sign-in page leaving his account running in the background.

    User B signs in and can now use remote desktop to connect to the vm in User A's profile "space".

    If the User B wants to connect to User A's vm directly from the Hyper-V manager, he needs first to be added to Hyper-V Administrators group:

    Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?-2015_10_09_22_51_231.png

    Only the first user setting up Hyper-V in Windows will be added to Hyper-V Administrators automatically, all other users need to be added manually.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    I have to wonder if a physically remote pc would be able to connect to a VM by the remote desktop option as well. This is one of the areas I have had problems with at times using Virtual Box and VM Player while Hyper-V allows you to create a fresh network switch or essentially a network adapter for each new VM while the 3rd party players tend to see only the share with host OS unless manually http://www.zdnet.com/article/north-a...y-runs-dry/all configuring the Mac and IP addresses, IPV6, etc. "we're now fresh out of 32bit IPV4 addresses. Sorry!"
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Night Hawk said:
    I have to wonder if a physically remote pc would be able to connect to a VM by the remote desktop option as well.
    There are absolutely no problems in connecting to a vm remotely from a PC in another network, over the Internet. Remote connection does not care if the remote host is a physical machine or a virtual machine, as long as requirements for the remote connections are met.

    In case of a Hyper-V virtual machine, this is all it needs:
    • The vm must of course be on and running and use an external virtual switch for Internet connectivity
    • The guest OS (vm) must have incoming remote connections allowed
    • The router must be configured to forward port 3389 to the vm in question. Port number can be changed, by default RDP uses port 3389 (see more in Part Eight in Remote Desktop tutorial)

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Well one reason for suggesting this would be for the OP's interest in access by multiple users to a VM that would be left running 24/7. They could set up a remote connection to the planned VM without the need to sign in and out on the host system itself but have the exact same remote access permissions per user on the one VM itself.

    For two physical machines one program that simplifies things in that area you may have heard of being Team Viewer. The program is free for home or non commercial use if this is the proposed type of set up. You have the options for tranferring files between two contacts as well as keep track of all sessions that take place by way of the free account you set up at the software company. Here's an example of what I mean with this screen show the 10 main build connecting to the second remote desktop's 7 install there running a 10 VM.

    Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?-w10-pro-x64-runs-w7-pro-x64-w10-vm-updates.jpg

    What is going on there is seeing the 10 VM being run remotely to check for updates. The next step since that is on the 7 desktop would be connecting directly to the VM if the VM was to see the TV or other program in use to get things configured correctly. Using Team Viewer however the remote user would automatically connect with the use of the "connect using password" option where they wouldn't even have the password if already configured for them. And any number of users can connect by this option.

    The Host machine would be set not to unintended access while the VM would set independently to prevent any changes from being made there as far as the Host pc goes. The program is also light on resources and can be set to start up minimized to the System tray for each machine and VM involved. Or how about an OS on a virtual drive as an image or clone?

    How do I use TeamViewer on cloned systems?

    You can also use TeamViewer on systems that were set up using a Windows, Mac, or Linux image.
    In general, we recommend installing TeamViewer only after the cloned operating system has been fully installed and is running. This applies to all supported operating systems.
    Installing TeamViewer before you create a Windows image can cause problems, in some cases. If the installation is only possible before cloning, we recommend using "Best Practices for Image Deployment" by Microsoft. Using the sysprep command ensures that TeamViewer works fine on cloned systems.
    If you occur some problems on a cloned Mac, please uninstall TeamViewer on each Mac and delete all configuration files. After reinstalling, TeamViewer should work properly.
    That came off of the TeamViewer FAQ page seen at TeamViewer Support – Help regarding licensing and technical issues
    . For any VM to be left running 24/7 you also need the host running the 24/7 schedule for any project to work out.

    With the previously mentioned problems seen with Hyper-V as well as VM Player or other VM ware program as well as Virtual Box this one comes to mind immediately due to having a good degree of flexibility. What I can do here is since if it will go on a new VM and try connecting to the existing TV account for the second remote case as well as 10 right here. Since Hyper-V was re-enabled the new second VM will be created while they also a Linux version for this program as well. That will have to be 7 or 10 however as the program can't run on the XP Mode.

    Update as usual. Since the other VM was alredy connecting without issues I went back for the Linux version of TV 10 and got immediate results. The screen shows how the VM was set to view and show but not control the host as a part of not setting up the unintended option.

    Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?-teamviewer-10-linux-mint-debian-17_2-vm.jpg

    There's no desktop shortcut options however so I had to right click on the main exe and choose the copy to desktop option. But that's the other OS for you there. The program however sees 10 support as well as being able to run on 7, 8, 8.164bit as well as 32bit Windows while that's a 64bit VM on the secondary display seen there. I had to grab to shrink the FF window there so you could seen how that looks.
    Last edited by Night Hawk; 11 Oct 2015 at 21:19. Reason: additional information added
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 3,620
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    Just a warning there... TeamViewer is free as long as you keep the maximum number of computers you connect lower than 15. This means that you can connect to up to 15 different systems (their ID is kept in a list). If you make that list 15 or more IDs then it will start throwing messages like "Commercial use suspected, please buy". At first you can just ignore the message and connect. But some days later it will start to automatically disconnect your session after 5 minutes in order to force you buy a commercial license! So be careful, don't connect to more than 15 different systems. It is a good idea to use TeamViewer to help friends, but if you exceed 15 IDs then it will lock! Configure and use RDP instead if you need access to more systems, or buy a commercial TeamViewer license to be legit.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Here that won't be any problem Since I might just see 5 or 6 at the most. And I am not constantly using it but have it set up mostly for a few tests or if someone needs remote assistance.

    Now for 10userNYC that is a totally different set up being worked out where the number might exceed 15? That would be something he would need to look at there of course. But I tend to doubt his set up would necessarily be that high considering the mention of two VM for multiple users not multiple TV ids who would all sign in on one machine to access the VM or two with separate user accounts in Windows.

    Of course everybody trying to connect all at once from a home network wouldn't work out too well anyways! The intended goal appears to be one user at a time and in fact you can't have multiple sessions going with TV either. With the TV program however the security options are flexible enough to see each machine or VM get a unique ID tag of it's own to begin with along with being able to assign separate passwords for each machine TV goes onto.

    What 10userNYC is looking to do is see a data server type set up he can access from anywhere on a 24/7 basis while other family members will have user accounts as well if I have this correct. The VM will be kept running the 24/7 time table as part of the automated maintainence scheme as well as the random times the data server could be accessed. When he mentioned several machines I would suspect that includes the server mini frame as well as the desktops.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 3,620
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    I have tried to connect to the same computer from two different other computers. It can be done. Two or more can join the same session, but I don't know what happens then. Probably everyone can control it through the mouse and keyboard, or they can just watch without being able to control it, depending on the configuration of Teamviewer in that computer. Maybe you can set access according to password, haven't checked.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    You have options remotely as well as those you set up on the Host whether Physical or VM pc. You can log in to view and display or see full remote access by password.

    The only potential problem is having more then one user trying to run something at the same time as another is running some other program where you end up with a stale mate type situation. The option for multiple user accounts on the one machine will only allow one person to access the VM on the other hand at any given time to avoid two at once.

    The potential on the other hand is seeing completely remote access to any VM by first logging into a TV account set up to see multiple access to the VM from anywhere. You wouldn't have to be glued to one machine only and not even need to be hard wired into the private network. But then the need for additional security comes into play.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 3,620
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 21H1 (May 2021 build 19043.1083)

    If you go to Options, Meeting mode, you can give full access to a second participant or only view access or customize access. This means that when someone is already connected the other can only view or control the machine based on settings.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    The meeting mode is the Live Chat option which wouldn't actually apply to what 10userNYC was looking for. It's a nice option to have while not something that would be used for any type of data server set up.

    The one thing that would help prevent multiple users from treading over each other is the contacts list which shows who and how many are on at any given time. When going to connect you then simply pick which contact to connect to.

    The VM itself would have it's own unique contact number that has to be entered. Then you need to type in the correct password. For automatic connect you have to log into the single TV account 10userNYC would need to set up. Sometime later I will be giving the 10 VM on the second remote pc the chance to connect to the VM on Hyper-V since the 10 VM is on VM Player there.

    UPDATE: I finally had a chance to connect to the remote desktop to the 10565 Insider build VM presently running showing that can be fully accessed two connects away!

    Will W10x64 Hyper-V work on my PC?-team-viewer-host-7-ultimate-remote-7-pro-remote-10vm.jpg

    In this screen the Host OS connects to the VM remotely not directly by way of the second remote desktop rather then seeing the need for multiple user accounts on the host machine itself. Since the second desktop connects wirelessly by way of a usb WiFi adapter you should be able to access the planned VM from your smart phone or at least Tablet if not laptop rather then not being to get on right away with someone else already logged in on the host machine.

    On the left display you will notice the 10 VM inside the second desktop's Team Viewer screen on the host OS. The 10 VM is running on VM Workstation 12 Player on the second display .
    Last edited by Night Hawk; 29 Oct 2015 at 21:32. Reason: additional information/image added
      My Computers


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