Incidentally, the Macrium Vi-Boot might well be the solution, but from their site and elsewhere it is for 64-bits. Neither could I find a link to download it, even on a trial basis. Blame it on my lack of “ basic” knowledge? I’d love to be proven wrong and be shown how can I for a trial here in Canada.
Regarding your frank comment, I wouldn't seek help from your Forum if I were an expert on virtualization, would I, Cereberus ? ?
You are certainly one, but you cannot set your own high level of expertise as the standard for “basic” knowledge and then pass judgment on others, like me, because they don’t listen or read what others say and engage in "ambitious" plans without having a shred of knowledge. In other words you are saying that I shouldn't waste your time without doing my part to learn the basics first.
But basics I must have learnt, I guess, if, after two week on the web and on your Forum, I was finally able to set up my first VBox and get it working like a regular Windows OS. .
The problem is that my issue goes well beyond the basics, as it deals with a very specific and unusual situation : recovering Drive Imges between two PC’s in a virtual environment.
There is a fair amount of shooting in the dark ( on both sides) . I don’t want to blame anybody for this, because I don’t think many people in the Forum ever dealt with this issue before.
The task at hand is like a wasp’s nest, because it keeps unleashing other collateral errors dealing with just about everything in the computer field, like networking, failed network adapters or links that are “ down”... : the latest error message, for inst, is about a link “ tx:: 0 TXE rx0 RXE" apparently down. (
iPXE - open source boot firmware [start].
I don’t have a clue about why and what it is, but it cripples my VBox.
Thanks for your frank comment and for your help.
Ittiandro, Canada