VMWare / Vbox / HYPER-V Virtual Bios and Chipset
Hi folks
Does anybody here know of the specifications of the VMWare and Vbox virtual Bios and the emulation chipset they use. It must be pretty universal as the paravirtualised hardware works on most devices without issue -- i.e you can copy / move VM's more or less at will between different devices and host hardware (including CPU and GPU differences) -- assuming not using physical passthru of real HOST devices and other hardware.
On KVM/QEMU the BIOS is in the public domain so not a problem. SEABIOS for standard MBR and TIANOCORE for the EFI BIOS (also there's a secure boot option too).
I'd also be interested in the same for HYPER-V although Windows being quite strictly proprietary that might be under various "NDA's" so only give legal answers if you are in the know on that one.