Virtualization deprecated

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  1. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 enterprise

    Virtualization deprecated

    Virtualization is not false positive its a positive virus. Why you wanna greed on having virtual machine or anything virtual to protect physics. All virtualization is synchronized and malfunctioned grade virus. Please disable VTX TXT and other in bios it is what exactly corrupts and floods system synchronizing virtual non physical hardware virus information impersonating certificates. Just please guys don't use virtualization. Disable in bios and disable windows defender virtualization based security in group policy and reinstall and use None CSM installation EFI
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,187
    Windows 11 Pro, 24H2

    exzo said:
    Virtualization is not false positive its a positive virus.
    I really hope that I'm simply not understanding this post and that I'm simply missing something, but are you kidding me????

    Correct me if I am wrong, but are you trying to say that all virtualization is bad?

    Much of modern computing, including many security measures, depend upon virtualization and would not function without it.

    If my understanding is correct and you really want to advocate against virtualization, please cite some real world examples showing why virtualization is so evil. If nothing else, I could use some entertaining reading .
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    exzo said:
    Virtualization is not false positive its a positive virus. Why you wanna greed on having virtual machine or anything virtual to protect physics. All virtualization is synchronized and malfunctioned grade virus. Please disable VTX TXT and other in bios it is what exactly corrupts and floods system synchronizing virtual non physical hardware virus information impersonating certificates. Just please guys don't use virtualization. Disable in bios and disable windows defender virtualization based security in group policy and reinstall and use None CSM installation EFI

    Hi there
    I think an expression of "Please Engage Brain before opening Mouth" is in order here --obviously you haven't got even a smidgen of a clue how Virtualisation works , what it really is and how much of modern computing infrastructure - including cloud based stuff and a mega amount of e-commerce depends on it !!.

    Please check Virtualisation 101 and do some reading and studying -- in fact you can probably discount about 99.999% of anything you see on Twitter / other social media sites regarding anything remotely technical.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 enterprise
    Thread Starter

    Wrong. Shahab blalblala like lost nu.bers that how it work pepper nice add to pity tulip binary
    Christmas cactus
    - - - Updated - - -

    Dont feel like explaining am not a reader i know what it is before its too late

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    Its not too late for you to try. Check stats with intel then i guess

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    I mean my computer was refurbished and is Hp EliteBook g2 revolve so physically knowing it has NXP if I try virtualize whole thing mouse would move on 1kbps right? Not that drivers fit with virtualization? I just let operating system decide not some BIOS that what I meant

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    The reason it could get deprecated loose of manufacturers and their low end program

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    Without asking highness
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 10,790
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    Is it me or is exzo just talking shit?
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    z3r010 said:
    Is it me or is exzo just talking shit?
    He certainly is!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 enterprise
    Thread Starter

    Sorry good day. Correct me am I wrong the low end virtualization was first right so came the windows defender high end after
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 13,301
    Windows 10 Pro (x64) 21H2 19044.1526

    Huh, where did WD get into this?
    Brain fried....I use Virtualization all the time to try out new OS builds, from Windows to hackitoshes.
    Never had WD even whimper.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 30
    Windows 10 enterprise
    Thread Starter

    WD isn't a skinny hard drive is it?

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    Is memory thats a fact and the compressors

    - - - Updated - - -

    Guess ill try a Oracle that is work without virtualization

    - - - Updated - - -

    Guess ill try a Oracle that is work without virtualization

    - - - Updated - - -

    Guess ill try a Oracle that is work without virtualization
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,523
    Win10 Pro

    z3r010 said:
    Is it me or is exzo just talking shit?
    I think it might be a medication issue. I think we should be temperate in our responses.
      My Computers


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