VM via QEMU -- Photoshop and Multi Media devices acessible latest W10
Hi folks
All my Multi media devices readily accessible and Photoshop working with great performance (OK it's not the latest Photoshop -- I don't go for the "Monthly stuff" ) but this was the latest non subscription version = perfectly good enough for what I do.
I'm running latest fast ring build W10 Pro workstations edition as the VM.
I suggest have a go with QEMU / KVM --It's absolutely very useable for desktop VM's these days - and being also supported by RED HAT can't be bad either. (Note it's Free and OPEN source so RED HAT isn't a corporate evil monster)
My HOST is LINUX Arch -- nothing to do with RED HAT --unlike UBUNTU / Canonical Links.
!!! RED HAT make the win-virtio drivers freely available for use on any Linux platform running Windows VM's for superior performance-- download from FEDORA site.