If I Go To Turn Windows features on or off and Un-check Hyper V...

  1. Posts : 618
    windows 10 pro

    If I Go To Turn Windows features on or off and Un-check Hyper V...

    ...and reboot my understanding is that Hyper-V will be uninstalled. Is that right. I am having all sorts of issues trying to get "networked" after installing a VM (7, 10 and I even tried XP). It seems that despite following the guide I am not seeing any adapter for the VM to connect to. My real question is if I untick Hyper-V and reboot will that also wipe out any Hyper V adapters that may have been created during my attempts. I want a clean start : ) Thanks.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You can remove virtual switches without uninstalling / disabling Hyper-V.

    First, enter following command in PowerShell to list all virtual switches:


    It lists all existing Hyper-V virtual switches and network adapters they are using:

    If I Go To Turn Windows features on or off and Un-check Hyper V...-image.png

    Default switch belongs to system and it cannot be removed. Or, rather, it can be removed but it will be re-created automatically at next boot. It's better to leave it alone, do not remove it.

    All other switches can be removed. For instance, to remove external switch External WLAN, shown in screenshot above, I would enter following command:

    Remove-VMSwitch "External WLAN"

    If I Go To Turn Windows features on or off and Un-check Hyper V...-image.png

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 618
    windows 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    Kari said:
    You can remove virtual switches without uninstalling / disabling Hyper-V.
    Cool. Thanks for the tip. So in your estimation there would be no advantage if I wanted to start fresh to untick Hyper-V and go through the uninstall/ install process. You know I followed your guide (Thank you very much) to the comma and I could just not get Networking to work (Internet) and I know it must be me which is why I wanted a fresh start. Just out of curiosity do you have any idea when Hyper-V will get updated?

    Windows Server 2016Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 adds[64]


    It sure does not seem like the program is updated terribly often unless there are subtle changes made in the interim. One last question if you have the time to indulge me what are the most common 2 or three rookie mistakes that are made when setting up the external virtual switch to get the darn thing to work. For instance since I "think" I am utilizing my notebooks internal adapter (that is my network card, right?) I normally have wifi turned off since I connect via Ethernet and a RJ45 connector but since I thought that might be the culprit I turned WIFI on but that still did nothing for me. If you would rather wait before getting into the weeds with me until I make my next attempt which I will well document that is just as good. Thank you.
      My Computers


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