Admini. account (password)

  1. Posts : 26
    Windows 10

    Admini. account (password)

    I have been having a problem signing in to the screen password box, for sometime now, it keeps telling me wrong password, so I have to use my secondary pin number..

    I have tried and tried to change the Admin. password, sometimes it directs me to a file and says insert disc, well I don't have a disc.. Never made or knew about a password backup disc.. Then most times it directs me to my Microsoft account, I must have changed my Microsoft account password at least 20 times in two days..

    I still have to clue what the computer sign in password is..My hint is the same, but it will not accept that password..

    My question would be: how do I find this password to change it so I know what it is..Is the a way to find it in a file that can be chaged, or is there a simple way of doing this.


      My Computers

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Try making a bootable USB flash drive of Kyhi's Recovery Tools and booting the computer from it:
    Windows 10 Recovery Tools - Bootable Rescue Disk - Windows 10 Forums

    There is a password utility on it that might help.
      My Computer


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