Stuck in guest account in safe mode
Hi all, I was having problem with the start menu and cortana that won't show up. Based on the internet, i was told to use msconfig to reboot my pc to safemode. Apparently, after i went to safe mode, the problem seems not changing, so i repeated the steps, but this time instead of logging in into the main account(administrator) i went straight to the guest account in safe mode. Unfortunately, i am not able to change to my administrator account anymore since then, everytime i try to press the start menu and change the user account to the administrator one, it keeps on going back to the lock screen with only the guest account as my option, and because of the guest user account, i dont have the privilege to use any settings, and everytime Im trying to run as administrator, it shows nothing but the working mouse logo, even though the task manager is showing that multiple Consent UI for administrative applications are open. Please help me, thank you.