Lost Admin rights after switching from Win 10 account to local one

  1. Posts : 4
    Wndows 10

    Lost Admin rights after switching from Win 10 account to local one

    Hello guys,

    Please help me find a way to solve my problem. Yesterday when I first set up Win10 I have created a windows account with my email. Soon after I have realized that my C:\Users\... folder was messed up, it was a shorter version of my email so I decided to swith to a local account instead and to my huge surprise I have love every right to change anything. I have tried every solution I have found on the internet. I am able to boot in save mode but the cmd doesn't point to the system32 so I cannot execute NET USER ADMINISTRATOR /ACTIVE:YES.

    I spent hours and I couldn't fix it, I even switched back to the win10 account and I still do not have any rights to make changes. I can't even make changes in control panel in safe mode. It's getting frustrating and after the update the solutions on the other forums do not even make sence anymore.

    I just want a local acount with my right name and administrator rights. Please help!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,467
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. Can you login with ms account if you can you need to add the local account to admins so it's an admin account
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Wndows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Samuria. I already tried to do that. I have logged int with the ms account but I longer have admin privileges. (???) I cannot run anything as admin and I cannot make any changes in control panel.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4
    Wndows 10
    Thread Starter

    Anyone? Please?
      My Computer

  5.   My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    Wndows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Michielsen! Are you sure I should mess with registry? I tried to stay away from that option.
    Is it safe?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 13
    Windows 10

    That way allows you to enable the hidden & built-in administrator account. After logging in as administrator, you can change your own local account to administrator.
      My Computer


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