Windows 10 Anniversary update Account Unknown and defaultuser0

  1. Posts : 41
    Windows 10 Pro

    Windows 10 Anniversary update Account Unknown and defaultuser0

    Whether you update from Windows 10 or clean install the Anniversary Edition there is a "defaultuser0" account in Users.
    I presume everyone is seeing this. Also when in the Registry, setting permissions (to fix the DCOM errors) there are Account Unknown SID's? I have deleted the defaultuser0 but there are so many Account Unknown SID's in the registry that I have left them.
    I guess the Microsoft engineers stupidly left all these here from orphaned accounts. Can others also confirm they are seeing this?

    Also a couple of links confirms it -
    Windows 10 Anniversary Update is creating profiles
    Windows 10 Anniversary Update: The case of the mysterious account SID causing the flood of DCOM errors
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,092
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Sayjimwoo said:
    Can others also confirm they are seeing this?
    Yeah I got one too, clean install I did earlier,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windows 10 Anniversary update Account Unknown and defaultuser0-2016-08-14_20h06_06.png  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    The unnecessary defaultuser() profile folder can be safely removed. On sysprepped systems that has been there since early 10XXX builds, in earlier builds it disappeared by itself after a few reboots but that seems not to be the case anymore, at least not always.

    This screenshot from a video made back in March:

    Windows 10 Anniversary update Account Unknown and defaultuser0-image.png
    (Video from Solved Windows 10 instructional videos by Ten Forums members - Page 106 - Windows 10 Forums)

    If it does not disappear simply delete it. Another "ghost profile" that you might see is default.migrated which occasionally appears after a build upgrade. It, too is totally safe to delete.

    I have no knowledge about why these profile folders will be created. I can only speak from my own experience and say that I have done some quite extensive sysprep, deployment and installation tests seeing these folders on almost each test install and have never had any issues manually deleting defaultuser() and default.migrated profile folders.

    Please notice that these two possible "ghost profile" folders should not be confused with the important default user profile folder Default (hidden folder) which should not be touched!

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,092
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Thanks Kari, you're word is good enough for me.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You are welcome Derek :)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6
    win10 64 build 14393.479 1.7ghz


    I have defaultuser0's Sid:
    In Windows Firewall, it can be found in CloudExperienceHost with dfu0 being the user.
    Personally, I feel uncomfortable having an unknown user sending my information to an unknown cloud.
      My Computer


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