Local access user login

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 10

    Local access user login

    I have several HP home computers that I am setting up local account users for. I have 7 kids so 9 of us in the family. I have created local user accounts with no email(kids). Some of them work and some I get profile service service failed can not load profile.

    I have delete and recreated them but still no joy. I have deleted, powered down and recreated them still the same error. What the heck. Why can't the local accounts work?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    First, welcome to Ten Forums.

    You mention you have several computers. Is this happening on all of them?

    Anyway, here's what I suggest:

    Sign in using your own admin credentials. Open an elevated Command Prompt (right click Start, select Command Prompt (Administrator)). Add a local account for a kid like told in this tutorial in Option Six: User Account - Add in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    Only add one account. When done, sign in to that account immediately letting Windows create it. When done, test it by restarting the computer. If OK the account will be shown in user selection screen and you should be able to use it, sign in with it.

    If still not working, come back and we'll try something else.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    This is not happening with all the computers, but several of them. Some only one or two can't log on.

    That didn't work. I get the same error.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    That was worth to try.

    One of our admins Brink has made an excellent tutorial for cases when user profile fails to sign in: You've been signed in with a temporary profile - Fix - Windows 10 Forums

    Read that tutorial first through with a thought and take a cup of your preferred hot beverage before starting. I've heard even PC experts to say that a user don't have to understand what he / she is doing as long as instructions are good. Brink's tutorial is good but I am old school; I think a user should understand what he / she is doing with PC :)

    The above sounds now when I read it a bit patronizing but I leave it there trusting you understand my point. The process involves some registry editing, it's essential to get it right.

      My Computer


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