Help - No admin accounts

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    Help - No admin accounts

    My PC for some reason has removed the administrator status from my account and therefore right now there is no administrator.
    I can't download/open certain files because i'm not an administrator and when it gives me the option of typing in the administrator password, there is no spot located for me to be able to type and the 'yes' box doesn't allow me to click it either as it is grayed out.
    I've attached some examples the troubles i have and what i think may be of help? sorry i'm not much of a tech person
    Any help would be helpful. thank you so much ><Help - No admin accounts-k.jpgHelp - No admin accounts-13705051_1240420185970053_1663313564_n.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 325
    Windows 10 Pro

    Windows has a built in Administrator account that is inactive by default. You have to activate it, and then make yourself an Administrator. Because you are not a administrator now, not all options are available to activate it. Start with Option 1, but I believe you need Option 4. After you are an Administrator, you should disable the built in Administrator account. This is a guide to enable it.
      My Computer


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