How to set up no pass login for 2 accounts on 1 computer
A couple days ago I did the upgrade to windows 10 from 7 for my parents on their computer.
The way it was set up in Win 7, after startup you would see a screen with their 2 profile pics and it was easy to just click one and log in. Neither had a password to enter. After the upgrade, my father's account started asking for a password. Years ago he had opened a Hotmail account and Windows apparently links that MS online password to win 10 and started requiring it. Luckily he remembered it and has been able to log in.
The problem is they want things to work the way they did before. They want to log in and switch accounts during the day without my father having to enter a password each time.
I have already tried going to Settings>Accounts>Sign in options and switching the "Require sign-in" setting to never. This didn't seen to do anything.
I also did the Run>netplwiz then uncheck the User must enter password box for My father's account.
Now after shutdown, the computer logs into my Dad's account automatically and bypasses the login screen so my mother has to switch to her account from my Dad's. Then when switching back from mother's to father's account again windows asks for father's password again! It's frustrating as hell.
All they want is for both of them to be able to boot up and click on their account to log in and switch between them without passwords. Is this possible in Windows 10 and if so, how?