local account converted to Microsoft acct., is there a way to reverse?

  1. Posts : 33
    windows 10 pro

    local account converted to Microsoft acct., is there a way to reverse?

    my local admin account was converted into a Microsoft account , is there a way of reverse it ?
    Less than one month ago Windows 10 Pro was installed. Let me explain you that there was already a windows 8 installation with kernel corrupted , version 10 recovered all exactly as it was , all programs installed and my configurations.
    Previously I had a administrator local account that remained the same after windows 10 installation. It happens that days after I logged in with my Hotmail account to the Microsoft Store to download a couple of items and unbeknownst to me my local admin account was transformed into a Microsoft account.
    Now I no longer wish to be logged all the time with this Microsoft account, I even have another admin local account if I want to change but I would have a lot of work to make it look like as it was my original converted account.
    In order to avoid such work I ask whether there is a way to “convert” (let´s call this way) the Microsoft account back into my local account or is there a way of copying all the configurations to a new admin local account ?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Go to settings -> accounts. Click on "sign in with a local account instead"

    Last edited by Brink; 07 Feb 2016 at 20:19. Reason: added tutorial link for more info
      My Computer


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