If i sign in to a friends microsoft account can she see my passwords?

  1. Posts : 5
    windows 10

    If i sign in to a friends microsoft account can she see my passwords?

    a friend of mine have a gamepass on her microsoft account so she gave me her login so i can play some games on my pc, i logged in to her account on microsoft store and my windows account changed to hers, also my browser (Edge) started syncing passwords and bookmarks somehow without me touching anything.... it all happened automatically, can she now see all my passwords and bookmarks? i already logged off her account and turned the sync settings off but can it somehow saved on her account?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    Yes she can see that because you sync'd all of it to her account.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    That's actually dumb and can be used by hackers to steal your data, why does it sync automatically? i only logged in to her account once and edge changed profile without my consent? makes me want to uninstall edge but i cant because windows wont let me
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    Every browser does this and only way a hacker can gain access is if they have the login info.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 987
    Windows 10 Pro

    princessllama91 said:
    a friend of mine have a gamepass on her microsoft account so she gave me her login so i can play some games on my pc, i logged in to her account on microsoft store and my windows account changed to hers, also my browser (Edge) started syncing passwords and bookmarks somehow without me touching anything.... it all happened automatically, can she now see all my passwords and bookmarks? i already logged off her account and turned the sync settings off but can it somehow saved on her account?
    She trusted you with HER personal information for a specific purpose (Possibly against any EULA's) and you're suspicious of her?

    Just don't use other peoples systems illegally and you'l have no issues.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,423
    Windows 11 Pro (latest update ... forever anal)

    princessllama91 said:
    That's actually dumb and can be used by hackers to steal your data, why does it sync automatically? i only logged in to her account once and edge changed profile without my consent? makes me want to uninstall edge but i cant because windows wont let me
    Nope, all down to the user
    - not understanding the default settings
    - not checking (and changing) all the default settings options
    - not understanding the implications of using a Microsoft account ... for anything!!
    - etc

    Caveat utilitor.
      My Computers


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