Usernames: How do I disable option to change login usernames
Hi. I took over support at a campus computer lab recently. As a risk of viruses any give day, computers are Windows 10 'Workgroup' (local) clients. Absolutely can't be added to a domain; as result, can't push any policies. No cameras. Generic Student logins only. Sign-in sheet at door isn't signed by all students. So known campus students slip, yes. But with anonymous non-campus friends just to browse the Internet, while student does school work. Computer accounts are left 'Administrator' status because of professor complaints from students that programs in use stalled back in the day because of limited 'User' status (no Administrator accounts) of accounts I originally used to "lock-down" the computers. I've had success locking down certain areas of the OS on lab PCs using regedit and gpedit...local rules under current Administrator accounts. But there's one that alludes me. Does anyone know how to disable the user's ability to change local account usernames? For example, in one instance, a prankster changed the generic 'Student' login name I "Stutterer". On a couple other occasions, discriminatory names. So you can imagine, the next person who sits down trying to login to PC...what's staring them in the face. Does anyone know how to disable the user's ability to change local account usernames of accounts with Administrator-status?