Windows Hello warning.

  1. Posts : 231

    Windows Hello warning.

    I see a red X on my Windows Security Icon since the last update. It wants me to set up "Windows Hello" for my account to operate correctly. I prefer not to use a password or any other options to start my computer. Just turn it on and let the desktop load.
    How do I get rid of this rex X without setting up "Windows Hello".
    Windows Hello warning.-hello.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 696
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    Windows wants you to use some sort of security when accessing the machine. Since you don't have any that is what you see. To get rid of it either set it up, add a password, or add a pin. You can set a four digit pin so you don't need to type a long password each time.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 231
    Thread Starter

    Bobby Phoenix said:
    Windows wants you to use some sort of security when accessing the machine. Since you don't have any that is what you see. To get rid of it either set it up, add a password, or add a pin. You can set a four digit pin so you don't need to type a long password each time.
    Problem just started after the last update. I prefer not to use any passwords or other means for log in.
    I don't get this on my other computers.
      My Computer


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