Locked Out - Login Screen

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  1. Posts : 33,715
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    aeneas1 said:
    ... i would like to know why i'm still seeing two "kaimanu" accounts on the login screen, is there a way to get rid of the gray one?
    Typically you will fail to sign in, then see a duplicate user name if you have set up Netplwiz to sign you in automatically, but it is using the wrong password. Your user name will appear twice, once as the correct account with your picture, and again as a 'ghost' account with the default user image. This was probably a leftover after the shop reset your password, they didn't change Netplwiz and it still had the old password.

    Here for my account named Owner I set it to sign in automatically with the wrong password in order to recreate your screen....

    Locked Out - Login Screen-image.png

    Run Netplwiz and either tick the box for 'users must give a user name and password....' or set it up to sign you in with the correct password.

    PS: note the third account in my screenshot. That is another local administrator account, there for emergencies. I strongly recommend you set up another local administrator account so you have a second way in, should you ever get locked out again. Don't use it as a regular account, just keep it in reserve for if/when needed.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 17,089
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    aeneas1 said:
    ... i would like to know why i'm still seeing two "kaimanu" accounts on the login screen, is there a way to get rid of the gray one?
    Try3 said:
    It hasn't really created a new account, it just looks that way at the moment. … you could fix it by stopping the netplwiz login bypass then setting it up again.

    and I urge you not to forget this [post #19] -
    Try3 said:
    So you can now log in to your MSAccount and you can log in to the Built-In Admin account?

    If you are not sure about logging in to the Built-In Admin account then just create an additional [spare], password-protected Admin account now while your MSAccount is working correctly.
    - Even if there was a continuing problem with the Built-in admin you would be able to use this spare Admin account in the future to deal with problems. You will be just as well off as you would be with the Built-in one.
    - Write down the password for this spare Admin account now. You might not use it in anger for years so you won't remember it.
    - I posted some notes on the subject in my ditty - Create two spare local, password-protected Admin accounts [post #2] - TenForums [I always create two spare accounts but you might not]
    Best of luck,
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 86
    windows 10 anniversary 64
    Thread Starter

    thanks very much, will do, very helpful and clearly savvy advice! again, thanks very much!
      My Computer


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