Hi, I've been trying to update Windows 10 Pro 64 version 1803 for a loong, long time. I have tried now about 10 - 15 times. I really don't know what to do. I'm sick and tired of doing the same things and expecting different results, yes I know,...
On my OLD pc i have some shared folder whit media files usually i play on my Rpi2 whit OSMC installed.
OSMC tryed to search file at:
smb:// and use this for obtain access "smb://User:Pass@" how User:Pass it's the same...
Hello, to all members of Windows 10 Forums!
I'm new here and I wanna know that how can we configure Microsoft Outlook 2013 or 2016 on Windows 10 operating system? :(:(:(
I have calendar creator 12 on my computer and it runs fine. I also have a program fsbuild, which is a flight planning program for my MS FSX. When I start fsbuild a box pops up with windows is configuring calendar creator. Fsbuild has nothing to...