Logging into
I helped someone set up a Microsoft account "X" and now I'm locked out of my account "Y".
When I try to log into for example using Edge, I get an error message that my account has been locked - but they are referring to someone else's "X" account. They give me no option to log into my "Y" account without unlocking that "X" account first which is not even mine. Any idea why Microsoft has determined that my computer is now attached to that "X" account rather than properly to my "Y" account or how to fix it?
When I go into the Edge Settings it plainly states that it's my "Y" account that I'm using. Yet thinks it's "X". And when I go into the Win10 account management settings it plainly shows my "Y" account as being the only one on the computer. I do not see any "Microsoft" cookies in the browser to delete - not with that name anyhow.
Yet is happy to let me log in with my "Y" account from Firefox.
Any suggestions?
Last edited by Thales41; 26 Feb 2021 at 16:17.