A question about local account. Switching from MS acct to it.

  1. Posts : 74
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit

    A question about local account. Switching from MS acct to it.

    If I go from a MS account login to a local account does it copy over all my settings etc? I am asking as I am moving on the 26th/27th, and I won't have the internet back till the 28th. I've heard that windows 10 requires the net to sign in unless its a local account. Also after I get the net back, can I disable/remove the local acct and go with my main one again? I don't wanna end up with a pc I can't use for a day and a half. Thanks all.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,773
    Windows 10 Home

    You don't need an internet connection to sign-in with your MS acct. It just won't sync your settings with other devices, like another pc or phone, access your Rewards or Privacy settings, etc. Also, if you use Onedrive, you'll only have access to your local files already on your device.
    You can also switch to a Local Acct thru Settings/Accounts/Your info easily enough but it will not do anything that your normal signin w/o internet can and sounds like you're not keeping it anyway, so don't bother.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 74
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, Good to know.
      My Computer


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