Sync My Settings Not Syncing

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  1. Posts : 985
    Windows 10 Home 21H1

    Steven Campoli said:
    I’m getting discouraged lol. I’ve tried everything and I’m starting to believe maybe it’s the ms sync servers that are just either slow or down, cause for me up until 4 days ago had no issues syncing ! Now it’s a hasarde just to sync my thème de to my new device. I’m trying another thing. Clean installing but I know that won’t change anything but got nothing to lose!
    That's the other problem when you have syncing to the cloud set never really know if its an actual problem with your device or the MS servers. I know just recently I had what I thought were recurring errors on my PC in Event Viewer at every later find out that it had been an issue with the MS servers causing the errors as a few days later the errors disappeared without any input from me at all
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,232
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Agree, it’s frustrating. I have 2 laptops near each other, one with the themes and settings and all set to sync and the other just blank, signed with my ma account and I’m waiting for them to be synced, nothing now it’s a few days now
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 17
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    sportsfan148 said:
    Sorry to hear that mate. In the past that has always worked for me. Theres one more thing you could try- switch to a local account on all your devices and then switch them back again to your usual Microsoft Account sign in method for all devices. This sometimes forces the full recognition of your devices again in the cloud.
    Ive read on Tenforums before about users having issues with syncing causing them problems.
    Personally, I've had syncing turned off for about a year now as I only have a desktop PC now and I keep my Android phone totally separate. I keep my Edge favourites backed up on a USB flash drive. If I do a clean installation its really easy to just import them back across to Edge afterwards. At least that way I don't have to rely on the cloud syncing everything correctly upon reinstallation. Changing theme and a few settings doesn't take too long. It might be something for you to consider?
    I have 2 pcs and it would save me a huge amount of work if all my settings did sync from one pc to the other but it looks like a waiting game to see if it work. I think i will do the same as you and make back ups of anything i can as i cant rely on this to restore my settings. I might make iso image backups too as i have loads of storage on my NAS.

    I have a different theme on each pc so i know if that changes on one then it will have finally synced but i wont hold my breath.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 985
    Windows 10 Home 21H1

    revelator1969 said:
    I have 2 pcs and it would save me a huge amount of work if all my settings did sync from one pc to the other but it looks like a waiting game to see if it work. I think i will do the same as you and make back ups of anything i can as i cant rely on this to restore my settings. I might make iso image backups too as i have loads of storage on my NAS.

    I have a different theme on each pc so i know if that changes on one then it will have finally synced but i wont hold my breath.
    I don't use image backups though lots of people do. It doesn't take me long to either Reset my PC or do a completely clean installation and then reinstall my software because I don't have loads of programmes to install. I use System Restore first if I have an issue to roll back to a previous restore point. If that fails (which it can), its Reset PC, clean install if all else has failed
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 17
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    sportsfan148 said:
    I don't use image backups though lots of people do. It doesn't take me long to either Reset my PC or do a completely clean installation and then reinstall my software because I don't have loads of programmes to install. I use System Restore first if I have an issue to roll back to a previous restore point. If that fails (which it can), its Reset PC, clean install if all else has failed
    Thats not so bad then. I prefer doing a fresh install too but it takes my a while removing all the unnecessary stuff in windows 10, then installing my programs, setting up my 8 email accounts, disabling as many things as i can. Its seems a shame is the windows sync cannot be relied upon. Oh year going through network settings and so on to. I used the shutup10 program to disable many thing and its quite a handy bit of software.

    - - - Updated - - -

    sportsfan148 said:
    I don't use image backups though lots of people do. It doesn't take me long to either Reset my PC or do a completely clean installation and then reinstall my software because I don't have loads of programmes to install. I use System Restore first if I have an issue to roll back to a previous restore point. If that fails (which it can), its Reset PC, clean install if all else has failed
    Hoorah at last, my 2nd pc finally synced today and the theme was changed to match the one on my laptop. So thats about 2 days later since i switch the sync setting on for the second pc, im happy to say it has synced the setting from my laptop and thats the way round i was hoping for. It is very slow to say the least but at least it got there in the end. Many thanks for your help and guidance
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,232
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    revelator1969 said:
    Thats not so bad then. I prefer doing a fresh install too but it takes my a while removing all the unnecessary stuff in windows 10, then installing my programs, setting up my 8 email accounts, disabling as many things as i can. Its seems a shame is the windows sync cannot be relied upon. Oh year going through network settings and so on to. I used the shutup10 program to disable many thing and its quite a handy bit of software.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hoorah at last, my 2nd pc finally synced today and the theme was changed to match the one on my laptop. So thats about 2 days later since i switch the sync setting on for the second pc, im happy to say it has synced the setting from my laptop and thats the way round i was hoping for. It is very slow to say the least but at least it got there in the end. Many thanks for your help and guidance
    It seems to be coming back on my end to, I really think it was a server issue.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 17
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Steven Campoli said:
    It seems to be coming back on my end to, I really think it was a server issue.
    i guess its not safe to fully rely on the sync feature, i changed my background again to see how long it takes to sync to the other pc.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 985
    Windows 10 Home 21H1

    revelator1969 said:
    Thats not so bad then. I prefer doing a fresh install too but it takes my a while removing all the unnecessary stuff in windows 10, then installing my programs, setting up my 8 email accounts, disabling as many things as i can. Its seems a shame is the windows sync cannot be relied upon. Oh year going through network settings and so on to. I used the shutup10 program to disable many thing and its quite a handy bit of software.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hoorah at last, my 2nd pc finally synced today and the theme was changed to match the one on my laptop. So thats about 2 days later since i switch the sync setting on for the second pc, im happy to say it has synced the setting from my laptop and thats the way round i was hoping for. It is very slow to say the least but at least it got there in the end. Many thanks for your help and guidance
    No worries mate. Im glad its all working fine again for you
      My Computer


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