How to skip 3 security questions when creating an offline account?

  1. Posts : 186
    Xp, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10

    How to skip 3 security questions when creating an offline account?

    I've been installing a Win10 Pro on a new machine and noticed that they added this new annoying feature that requires you to provide answers to 3 "security" questions when setting up an offline account after entering the password. Stuff like "what is your dog's maiden name?" and a similar non-sense.

    The reason I put "security" in quotes is because those questions are anything but secure. (People usually type in "fluffy" in there and think it's "all good".)

    I know what I am doing and my offline account password is pretty strong. I don't want to weaken it with 3 more passwords. (And I know, I obviously provide long random answers to those 3 questions, stuff like 5t2f66aDFDyinUT6f but it just wastes my time to do that. Plus I need to somehow get it into my password manager -- since copy and paste is not available at that stage.)

    So I was wondering, is there a way to skip those?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,063
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Hello @ahmd,

    You will be able to disable the security questions for local accounts starting with build 18237, or when the Windows 10 October 2018 Update is released to the public later next month.

    Enable or Disable Security Questions for Local Accounts in Windows 10 | Windows 10 Tutorials
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 33,715
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    ahmd said:
    I've been installing a Win10 Pro on a new machine and noticed that they added this new annoying feature that requires you to provide answers to 3 "security" questions when setting up an offline account after entering the password....
    ...So I was wondering, is there a way to skip those?
    @ahmed, I have never been asked to set 3 'security' questions when I've installed Windows. But that's because I don't set a password when setting up the first account for a new install. Try setting a blank password initially, then change the password to the one you want to use after logging in for the first time.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 186
    Xp, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
    Thread Starter

    OK. Good idea guys. I'll try it. I'm also glad that they are doing away with those questions in the future. Terrible idea!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 186
    Xp, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
    Thread Starter

    @Bree: want to follow up on this. Your suggestion of not setting up an initial password absolutely worked! Thank you very much!

    PS. One can always hit Ctrl+Alt+Del and set up a password later. (No 3 in-"security" questions needed.)

    PS2. It is very sad that in this day & age Microsoft doesn't understand all this.
      My Computer


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