How to Toggle Full Screen Mode On and Off in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10
Microsoft Edge is a new web browser that is available across the Windows 10 device family. It is designed for Windows 10 to be faster, safer, and compatible with the modern Web.
The Full Screen experience in Microsoft Edge allows you to take your websites full-screen, and exit full screen back to windowed mode when you like. Full-screen mode shows only the web content and hides the Microsoft Edge UI.
Starting with Windows 10 build 17093, Microsoft has updated the full screen mode experience so that without leaving full screen you can now access the address bar and navigate to other sites, add a site as a favorite, and more. To do this, simply hover your mouse at the top of the screen while in full screen mode, or using touch drag a finger down from the top of the screen, and the familiar controls will appear.
This tutorial will show you how to toggle between full screen and default windowed mode for Microsoft Edge in Windows 10.
- Option One: To Toggle between Full Screen and Windowed Mode for Microsoft Edge using Keyboard Shortcut
- Option Two: To Toggle Full Screen Mode for Microsoft Edge in Microsoft Edge Settings
- Option Three: To Toggle Windowed Mode for Microsoft Edge using Restore Icon
EXAMPLE: Microsoft Edge in full screen mode
1. While in Microsoft Edge, you can press the F11 key to toggle between full screen and default windowed mode.
This option is only available starting with Windows 10 build 16215,
1. While Microsoft Edge is in windowed mode, click/tap on the Settings menu (3 dots) button, and click/tap on the Full Screen icon to the right of Zoom. (see screenshot below)
1. While Microsoft Edge is in full screen mode, move the pointer to the top right corner to see the Minimize, Restore, and Close menu bar. (see screenshot below)
2. Click/tap on the middle Restore (3 dots) icon.
That's it,
Related Tutorials
- How to Enable or Disable Microsoft Edge Full Screen Mode in Windows 10
- How to Enable or Disable Fullscreen Optimizations for Apps and Games in Windows 10