How to Turn On or Off Write Protection for Removable Drives in Windows 10
This tutorial is no longer valid since this setting has been removed from Settings in Window 10.
You can use this instead now: Allow or Deny Write Access to Removable Drives not Protected by BitLocker in Windows
Starting with Windows 10 build 15014, a new Removable drives page has been added to "Settings > Update & security" to allow you to be able to quickly turn on or off "Let users save files to removable drives that are not protected by BitLocker".
This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off let users save files to removable drives that are not protected by BitLocker in Windows 10.
The Let users save files to removable drives that are not protected by BitLocker setting doesn't appear to be working yet in Windows 10 build 15014 for me though. While turned off, users were still able to save files to a removable drive (USB flash drive) that wasn't protected by BitLocker.
I have reported this problem in the Feedback Hub. If you would like to upvote this issue, then click here. Thank you.
Please post a reply with your experience using this new feature below. :)
Here's How:
1. Open Settings, and click/tap on the Update & security icon.
2. Click/tap on Removable drives on the left side, and turn on or off (default) Let users save files to removable drives that are not protected by BitLocker on the right side for what you want. (see screenshot below)
3. When finished, you can close Settings if you like.
That's it,
Related Tutorials
- Allow or Deny Write Access to Removable Drives not Protected by BitLocker in Windows
- How to Enable or Disable Write Protection for a Disk Drive in Windows
- How to Turn On or Off BitLocker for Removable Data Drives in Windows 10
- How to Set or Unset Read-only Attribute of Files and Folders in Windows 10