Compatibility report for Windows 10: FAQ
What does it mean if a device is listed?
If there's a problem with a device connected to your PC, it means your PC can run Windows 10, but the device won't work correctly after the upgrade because it isn't fully compatible. For example, your display might not work at the highest resolution, you might not hear audio from your speakers, or your printer might not work.
In some cases, installing an updated device driver will fix compatibility problems with devices. For more detailed info about the compatibility of your device with Windows 10, go to the
Windows Compatibility Center.
What does it mean if an app is listed?
It means your PC can run Windows 10, but there might be a problem with the app. The report will show you:
•Apps you'll need to uninstall because they cause problems with the upgrade process.
•Apps you'll need to reinstall or update after the upgrade.
•Apps that won't work correctly or won't work at all with Windows 10.
This list will show again when you start the upgrade to Windows 10, including any apps that can be reinstalled after, and walk you through how to uninstall apps.
Why did I see a notification about Windows Media Center?
You’ll see this message if you’re using Windows Media Center on your PC. Windows Media Center isn't available as part of Windows 10 and will be removed during the upgrade. After the upgrade is done you won’t be able to install Windows Media Center.
Why did I see a notification about language packs?
You’ll see this message if you have any language packs installed on your PC. Language packs need to be removed during the upgrade because they might cause problems with the upgrade process. You’ll be able to install language packs after the upgrade is done.
Why did I see a notification that I won't be able to restore factory settings?
You’ll see this message if the manufacturer set up your PC to run from a compressed Windows image file and included an option to restore factory settings. After the upgrade, you won't be able to restore factory settings, but other recovery options will be available.
What does it mean if a report isn't available?
Microsoft's servers run the report on a specific schedule. Depending on when your report is scheduled, it might take up to two weeks for the first report to appear. In the meantime, you can still reserve your upgrade. When it’s time to start your upgrade to Windows 10, we’ll run another report to make sure there aren’t any problems with your apps, devices, or PC. For more info about the system requirements for your PC, see
Windows 10 system requirements.
How often does the report run?
The report runs automatically about once a month. If you installed apps or devices recently, or made changes to your PC, the report might not reflect these changes.
What does it mean if my PC can't run Windows 10?
If your PC doesn’t meet the
system requirements or includes incompatible hardware, it means you won’t be able to upgrade your PC to Windows 10.
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