In file explorer their are no results when searching this is weird.
when i click on search near the start menu i search for something and it comes up but cant be open...i search a text document and it has the icon of a pc, i click open and it opens this pc....i want to disable indexing but if i do i will not see my timeline´i would have to disable windows search in order to disable indexing...or unless im wrong
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Actually file explorer is not even search I. The currently open location, their are no results
Correct, you will need to keep the Windows Search service enabled for Timeline.
You could check Don't use the index.... in Search options instead.
Change Search Options in Windows 10
Usually on file explorer when indexing has my locations I write in the search and a list comes down. If u disable indexing does the timeline still work? And will I get results everywhere? Cause now the only way it works is after every reboot I need to while the index
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I changed the option but still get no results in file explorer, same issue happening
Timeline will not work with the Search Index disabled.
I must admit that I don't know why your index locations keep getting cleared after a restart.
Just to rule out corruption, use the .bat file in Option 3 to reset and rebuild the index to see how it works afterwards.