That is great news!
Do you know of a way to reset the permissions in the system32 folder and its files and subfolders?
You could try the context menu added by the tutorial below to restore default permissions to hopefully fix them for you.
Add Reset Permissions to Context Menu in Windows
Perfect. Thank you so much!!!
Had to restore Windows Insider Program and a couple of other services to the default state. All of the others worked like a charm, but when I had executed the .reg for windows insider and added it to registry and opening up services again the whole service was gone. Any suggestions?
Also, got an error when restoring Windows Error reporting saying that it was in use, but it seems like it was updated to the default state in services.msc.
Best regards,
Thanks for the quick response and welcome :) Indeed I have checked the registry for wisvc and its there, but not in services.msc. I took images before I ran the .regs of all the services within services.msc and the Windows Insider service was present then so very weird happening.
Odd. You could try doing a repair install of Windows 10 to fix it without losing anything.
Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade
Yes, very odd. I think i’ll just leave it as it is since I am not part of the insider program and the service is not running anyway. Hopefully that doesnt cause any issues.