How to Create a Battery Saver Shortcut in Windows 10
Windows 10 introduces a new battery saver feature that conserves your PC's battery by limiting background activity and adjusting hardware settings. Battery saver will turn on automatically if you like, but you can also turn it on manually.
Starting with Windows 10 build 14316, Microsoft has renamed “Battery Saver” settings page to be “Battery” since they believe a single entry point for all battery related settings including Battery Saver simplifies the user experience.
This tutorial will show you how to create or download a battery saver shortcut that opens directly to Battery saver in Settings in Windows 10.
- Option One: To Download a Battery saver Shortcut
- Option Two: To Manually Create a Battery saver Shortcut
EXAMPLE: Battery saver in Settings
1 Click/tap on the Download button below to download the .zip file below.
2 Save the .zip file to your desktop.
3 Unblock the .zip file..
4 Open the .zip file, and extract (drag and drop) the shortcut to your desktop.
5 If you like, you can Pin to Taskbar, Pin to Start, add to All apps, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.
6 When finished, you can delete the downloaded .zip file if you like.
1 Right click or press and hold on an empty area on your desktop, and click/tap on New and Shortcut.
2 Copy and paste the location below into the location area, and click/tap on Next. (see screenshot below)
%windir%\explorer.exe ms-settings:batterysaver
3 Type Battery saver for the name, and click/tap on the Finish button. (see screenshot below)
You could name this shortcut anything you would like though.
4 Right click or press and hold on the new Battery saver shortcut, and click/tap on Properties.
5 Click/tap on the Shortcut tab, then click/tap on the Change Icon button. (see screenshot below)
6 In the line under "Look for icons in this file", copy and paste the location below, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
7 Select the icon highlighted in blue above, and click/tap on OK. (see screenshot above)
You could use any icon that you would like instead though.
8 Click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below step 5)
9 If you like, you can Pin to Taskbar, Pin to Start, add to All apps, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.
That's it,