How to Reset an App in Windows 10
Starting with Windows 10 build 14328, you can now reset a default Windows app included with Windows 10 from Settings if the app gets into a bad state.
The Reset feature allows you to either try to repair (if supported) an app, or to reset the app to default.
If you reset an app, the app's data will be deleted.
If the app supports repair, the app's data will not be affected.
Starting with Windows 10 build 20175, you can now reset your UWP apps via PowerShell.
This tutorial will show you how to repair or reset an app that is in a bad state to fix it for your account in Windows 10.
- Option One: To Reset UWP Apps in Settings
- Option Two: To Reset Specific Listed UWP Apps in PowerShell
- Option Three: To Reset Specific UWP Apps in PowerShell
1 Open Settings, and click/tap on the Apps icon.
2 Click/tap on Apps & features on the left side, click/tap on the app (ex: Get Started) you want to reset, and click/tap on the Advanced options link. (see screenshot below)
3 If the app supports Repair, you can click/tap on Repair to try and fix the app without having to reset it, and go to step 6. (see screenshot below)
4 If you want to reset the app, click/tap on the Reset button under the Reset section. (see screenshot below)
5 Click/tap on Reset to confirm. (see screenshot below)
6 You will now see a check mark next to the Repair or Reset button indicating the app has been repaired or reset. (see screenshot below)
If you used Repair and the app is still not working properly, then you can go to step 4 to reset the app.
7 When you are finished, you can close Settings if you like.
This option is only available in Windows 10 build 20175 and higher.
1 Open Windows PowerShell.
2 Copy and paste the command below for the app you want to reset into PowerShell, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
(To reset 3D Builder app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.3dbuilder* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset 3D Viewer app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft3DViewer* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Alarms & Clock app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsAlarms* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Calculator app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Calendar and Mail app)
Get-AppxPackage *microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Camera app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsCamera* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Cortana app in Windows 10 version 2004 and higher)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.549981C3F5F10* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Feedback Hub app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Game bar app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Get Help app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.GetHelp* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Get Started or Tips (build 1703) app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Getstarted* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Groove Music app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.ZuneMusic* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Mail and Calendar app)
Get-AppxPackage *microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Maps app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsMaps* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Edge Stable app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Edge Beta app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Beta* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Edge Canary app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Canary* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Edge Dev app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft News app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.BingNews* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Solitaire Collection app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Store app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsStore* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft To-Do app)
Get-AppxPackage *Todos* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Microsoft Whiteboard app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Whiteboard* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Mixed Reality Portal app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Mobile Plans app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.OneConnect* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Movies & TV app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.ZuneVideo* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Netflix app)
Get-AppxPackage *Netflix* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Notepad app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsNotepad* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Office app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset OneNote app)
Get-AppxPackage *OneNote* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Paint 3D app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MSPaint* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset People app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.People* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Photos app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Windows.Photos* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Remote Desktop app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.RemoteDesktop* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Scan app)
Get-AppxPackage *WindowsScan* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Settings app)
Get-AppxPackage *windows.immersivecontrolpanel* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Skype app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.SkypeApp* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Snip & Sketch app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.ScreenSketch* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Sticky Notes app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Sway app)
Get-AppxPackage *Office.Sway* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Tips app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Getstarted* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Twitter app)
Get-AppxPackage *Twitter* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Voice Recorder app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Weather app from)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.BingWeather* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Windows Security app from)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Xbox Console Companion app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.XboxApp* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Xbox One SmartGlass app)
Get-AppxPackage *XboxOneSmartGlass* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Xbox Game Speech Window app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay* | Reset-AppxPackage
(To reset Your Phone app)
Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.YourPhone* | Reset-AppxPackage
3 When finished, you can close PowerShell if you like.[/B]
This option is only available in Windows 10 build 20175 and higher.
1 Open Windows PowerShell.
2 Copy and paste the command below for what you want into PowerShell, and press Enter to see a list of all installed UWP apps for the current user account. (see screenshot below)
(outputs to text file on your desktop)
Get-AppxPackage | Select Name >"$env:userprofile\Desktop\Apps_List.txt"
(outputs inside PowerShell)
Get-AppxPackage | Select Name
3 Scroll through the list of installed UWP apps, and look for the Name (ex: "Microsoft.WindowsCalculator") of the app (ex: "Calculator") you want to reset. (see screenshots below)
4 Type the command below in PowerShell, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
Get-AppxPackage *UWP app name* | Reset-AppxPackage
Substitute UWP app name in the command above with the app's actual Name like below from step 2 above.
For example:Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Reset-AppxPackage
5 Repeat step 3 above if you wanted to reset another app.
6 When finished, you can close PowerShell if you like.
That's it,
Shawn Brink
Related Tutorials
- How to Terminate Store Apps in Windows 10
- How to Use Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter in Windows 10
- How to Reinstall and Re-register All Built-in Windows Apps in Windows 10
- How to Reinstall and Re-register Cortana in Windows 10
- How to Re-register Start Menu in Windows 10
- How to Re-register the Store in Windows 10
- How to Reinstall and Re-register Microsoft Edge in Windows 10
- How to Reset Microsoft Edge to Default in Windows 10
- How to Unregister and Reset Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Distro in Windows 10
- How to Reset Settings App in Windows 10
- How to Reset Windows Security App in Windows 10
- How to Reset Windows Terminal Settings to Default in Windows 10