Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10  

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    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10

    How to Make a Create System Restore Point Shortcut in Windows 10
    Published by Category: Backup & Restore
    05 Dec 2023
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Make a Create System Restore Point Shortcut in Windows 10 and Windows 11

    System protection (if turned on) is a feature that allows you to perform a system restore that takes your PC back to an earlier point in time, called a system restore point. This can be handy if your PC isn't working well and you recently installed an app, driver, or update.

    Each restore point contains the necessary information needed to restore the system to the chosen state. Restore points are automatically generated when you install a new app, driver, or Windows update, and generated when you create a restore point manually. Restoring won’t affect your personal files in your %UserProfile% folder, but it will remove apps, drivers, and updates installed after the restore point was created.

    See also:

    This tutorial will provide you with create system restore point shortcuts that will instantly create a restore point with an optional description prompt and success message in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

    You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to create and use these shortcuts.

    System protection must be turned on for your Windows drive (ex: C: ) for these shortcuts to work.

    If you have Windows booted in Safe Mode, then you will not be able to create a restore point.

    You must have UAC set to its default setting for these shortcuts to work.

    You will need to change the SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency DWORD value to 0 in Registry Editor for these shortcuts to work properly.

    EXAMPLE: Create System Restore Point shortcut with description prompt and success message
    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-rp_description_prompt.png Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-rp_success_message.png

    EXAMPLE: Restore point listed in System Restore
    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-restore_points.png

    Here's How:

    1 Do step 2 (instant), step 3 (instant with success message), step 4 (enter description), or step 5 (enter description with success message) below for which shortcut(s) you want.

    2 Download "Create Instant System Restore Point" Shortcut

    This shortcut will instantly create a restore point named Automatic Restore Point in System Restore without prompting for a description or giving you any type of success message. If you didn't get an error, then the restore point was created successfully after a few moments.

    A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 6 below.


    3 Download "Create Instant System Restore Point" with Success Message Shortcut

    This shortcut will instantly create a restore point named Automatic Restore Point in System Restore, and give you a successfully completed message when finished.

    A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 6 below.


    4 Download "Create System Restore Point" with Description Prompt Shortcut

    This shortcut will prompt you to enter a description name for the restore point, then create the restore point. If you didn't get an error, then the restore point was created successfully after a few moments.

    This option currently no longer works for some in Windows 10.

    A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 6 below.


    5 Download "Create System Restore Point" with Description Prompt and Success Message Shortcut

    This shortcut will prompt you to enter a description for the restore point, create the restore point, and give you a successfully completed message when finished.

    This option currently no longer works for some in Windows 10.

    A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 6 below.


    6 Save the downloaded .zip file to your desktop.

    7 Unblock the downloaded .zip file.

    8 Open the downloaded .zip file, right click or press and hold on either the Instant_Restore_Point (step 2), Instant_Restore_Point message (step 3), or Restore Point Shortcut (step 4), or Restore Point Message Shortcut (step 5) folder, and click/tap on Copy. (see screenshot below)

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-copy_folder.jpg

    9 Open File Explorer, open the C:\Program Files folder, right click or press and hold on an empty area in the folder window, and click/tap on Paste to copy the folder from step 8. (see screenshot below)

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-program_files.png

    10 Open the downloaded .zip file, extract (drag and drop) the Create System Restore Point or Create Instant System Restore Point shortcut to your desktop. (see screenshot below)

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-shortcut.jpg

    11 You can Pin to Taskbar, Pin to Start, add to All apps, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.

    12 When finished, you can delete the downloaded .zip file if you like.

    That's it,
    Shawn Brink

  1. Posts : 46

    This will work too Shawn.

    Wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "%DATE%", 100, 7

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,104
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for the addition. :)
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    I finally got to this and opted for the third download with prompt for description and confirmation message popups. When going to right click or double click on the download to extract the files note this will see a brand new folder created where you need to go int and right click on the vbs file itsefl to select the "create shortcut" option and drag that onto the desktop.

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-create-restore-point-message-w10.jpg

    You won't be able to pin the shortcut or vsb file itself to either the task bar or Start tile area unfortunately. Here I simply drag the shortcut into a folder used for a Quick Bar toolbar option for seeing a jump list from the main task bar itself along with shortcuts for a number of other system functions as well. But as usual the vbs file works reliably! :)

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-create-restore-point-message-w10-created.jpg
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 72,104
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    As a workaround, you could add explorer with a space to the front of the target location of the shortcut like below to be able "Pin to Start" and "Pin to taskbar" afterwards. :)

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-14386d1426361059-pin-taskbar-folder-drive-windows-10-explorer_shortcut.png
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Got to hand it to you again! You continue to come up with the brain storms!

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-create-restore-point-message-w10-add-explorer-shortcut-target-line.jpg

    Once I added the word "explorer" in on the target line of the shortcut's property and clicked to pin to the Start tile area it wsa instantaneous!

    Create System Restore Point shortcut in Windows 10-create-restore-point-message-w10-pinned-start.jpg

    The task bar didn't have the room there and why I have Quick Bar quick launch type jump lists in use as usual. But both options to pin there and on the Start were seen as soon as the properties screen's target line in the Shortcut tab was updated. I think a good number of people are going to love hearing about this since they may also want to be able to pin the shortcut rather then simply see it left on the desktop. Good call there! Shawn :)
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 72,104
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

      My Computers

  7. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    You may want to even edit that into the guide here as well as look into another about how to make things where they can be pinned when first found not to be able to. Since the quick edit on the shortcut target line is effective that could present some interesting opportunities?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 72,104
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    The tutorial has been updated so the shortcuts can "Pin to Start" and "Pin to taskbar". :)
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    That's great! I know a good many looking at it will be glad to see they can pin one of the shortcuts they select. This is one area that I don't think anyone got to previously.
      My Computers


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