Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10  

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    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10

    How to Change Brightness of Built-in Display in Windows 10
    Published by Category: General Tips
    01 Aug 2021
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Change Brightness of Built-in Display in Windows 10

    If you have a laptop or tablet with a built-in display, you might need to occasionally change the screen brightness level. For example, if you want to use your laptop outdoors on a sunny day, you might need a brighter screen to see the display clearly. Or, if you're in a dark room, you might want to make the screen less bright.

    A brighter display uses more power, which reduces battery life.

    If the Screen brightness option isn't available, your PC might not support brightness adjustment or you might need to update your display drivers.

    Starting with Windows 10 build 17639, Microsoft removed the display brightness slider in Control Panel Power Options and the “Display brightness” section under Power Options Advanced Settings.

    Starting with Windows 10 build 18282, Microsoft heard your feedback about a specific case where a display can become brighter when transitioning from a battery charger to battery power. Microsoft is modifying the display brightness behavior so that this can no longer happen. If a person adjusts their display brightness, that brightness will now be remembered as their preferred brightness whether they are on battery or connected to a charger. This new behavior results in a more consistent and battery friendly experience. This does not affect battery saver mode settings; if a person has opted into lowering the screen brightness in battery saver mode, their display will still dim when the battery is below the threshold selected.

    This tutorial will show you different ways to change the screen brightness of a built-in display on your Windows 10 laptop or tablet.

    Brightness settings will not be available for an external monitor connected to the computer. You will need to use the physical brightness button on the monitor, or change from the on screen menu for the monitor.

    Brightness settings will only be available for a built-in display like on a tablet or laptop. If supported, you can adjust screen brightness of an external monitor connected to a desktop computer in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

    If you do not see any of these brightness settings or they are not working, be sure you have the correct and latest graphics driver installed.

    If you do already have the latest graphics driver installed, then uninstall and reinstall the driver to repair it.


    • Option One: To Adjust Screen Brightness with Keyboard
    • Option Two: To Adjust Screen Brightness in Action Center
    • Option Three: To Adjust Screen Brightness in Display Settings
    • Option Four: To Adjust Screen Brightness in PowerShell
    • Option Five: To Adjust Screen Brightness in Command Prompt
    • Option Six: To Adjust Screen Brightness in Ease of Access Settings
    • Option Seven: To Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows Mobility Center
    • Option Eight: To Adjust Screen Brightness in Intel Graphics Control Panel
    • Option Nine: To Adjust Screen Brightness in NVIDIA Control Panel
    • Option Ten: Adjust Display Brightness in AMD Radeon Settings


    To Adjust Screen Brightness with Keyboard

    1 Some keyboards may have shortcut keys that you can use to adjust your display brightness with like the example below. Please refer to your keyboard's or PC's manual for what they are for it if available. (see screenshot below)

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-brightness_keyboard_shortcut.png


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in Action Center

    1 Open the action center.

    2 If you haven't already, click/tap on the Expand link at the bottom to expand open the quick actions. (see screenshot below)

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-action_center_brightness-1.png

    3 Adjust the brightness slider at the bottom left (lower) or right (higher) to the brightness level you want. (see screenshot below)

    If you do not see the brightness slider quick action, then you can add it back using option 1 in the tutorial below.

    How to Add or Remove Brightness Slider on Action Center in Windows 10

    You can also click/tap on the slider, and use the Left arrow and Right arrow keys to adjust the brightness in 1% increments.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-action_center_brightness-2.png


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in Display Settings

    1 Open Settings, and click/tap on the System icon.

    2 Click/tap on Display on the left side, and adjust the Change brightness for the built-in display slider left (lower) or right (higher) to the level you want on the right side. (see screenshot below)

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-brightness_settings.png


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in PowerShell

    1 Open PowerShell.

    2 Type the command below into PowerShell, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

    (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,<Brightness Level>)

    Substitute <Brightness Level> in the command above with 0 to 100 brightness level percentage you want.

    For example with 75% brightness level:
    (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,75)

    3 You can now close Powershell if you like.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-change_screen_brightness_powershell.png


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in Command Prompt

    1 Open a command prompt.

    2 Type the command below into the command prompt, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

    powershell (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,<Brightness Level>)

    Substitute <Brightness Level> in the command above with 0 to 100 brightness level percentage you want.

    For example with 75% brightness level:
    powershell (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,75)

    3 You can now close the command prompt if you like.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-display_brightness_command.png


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in Ease of Access Settings

    1 Open Settings, and click/tap on the Ease of Access icon.

    Starting with Windows 10 build 21359, the Ease of Access category in Settings has been renamed to Accessibility.

    2 Click/tap on Display on the left side, and adjust the Change the brightness of your built-in display slider left (lower) or right (higher) to the level you want on the right side under Make everything brighter on the right side. (see screenshot below)

    3 When finished, you can close Settings if you like.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-display_brightness_ease_of_access_settings.jpg


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows Mobility Center

    1 Open the Windows Mobility Center.

    2 Adjust the Display brightness slider to the percentage level you want. (see screenshot below)

    3 When finished, you can close Windows Mobility Center if you like.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-display_brightness_windows_mobility_center.jpg


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in Intel Graphics Control Panel

    This option is only available if your computer has Intel graphics.

    1 Open Intel Graphics Control Panel from All Apps in the Start menu .

    2 Click/tap on the Display icon at the bottom. (see screenshot below)

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-intel_brightness.jpg

    3 Click/tap on Color Settings in the left pane. (see screenshot below)

    4 Adjust the Brightness slider left (lower) or right (higher) to the level you want, and click/tap on Apply.

    5 When finished, you can close the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-intel_hd_graphics_control_panel.jpg


    To Adjust Screen Brightness in NVIDIA Control Panel

    This option is only available if you have NVIDIA graphics and drivers installed.

    1 Open the NVIDIA Control Panel (ex: from desktop context menu or notification icon).

    2 Click/tap on the Adjust desktop color settings link under Display in the left pane. (see screenshot below)

    3 If you have more than one display, select the display you want to change the brightness for under 1. Select the displays you want to use on the right side.

    4 Select (dot) Use NVIDIA settings under 2. Choose how color is set.

    This will have Windows 10 use the NVIDIA Control Panel settings instead of its settings.

    5 Adjust the Brightness slider to the brightness level percentage you want, and click/tap on Apply.

    6 When finished, you can close the NVIDIA Control Panel if you like.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-nvidia_control_panel_screen_brightness.png


    Adjust Display Brightness in AMD Radeon Settings

    This option is only available if your computer has AMD graphics and drivers installed.

    This option is available for PCs with a built-in display, and for PCs with supported external display(s).

    1 Open AMD Radeon Settings.

    2 Click/tap on Display. (see screenshots below)

    3 If you have more than one display, select the Display # you want to change the brightness for.

    4 Enable Custom Color.

    You can disable Custom Color to use Windows settings instead.

    5 Adjust the Brightness slider to the level you want.

    6 When finished, you can close AMD Radeon Settings if you like.

    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-amd_radeon_settings_brightness-2.jpg
    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-amd_radeon_settings_brightness-1.jpg

    That's it,
    Shawn Brink

  1. Posts : 72,436
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Tutorial updated to add: :)

    Option Eight: To Adjust Screen Brightness in PowerShell
      My Computers

  2. Ruu
    Posts : 6
    Windows 10

    1. Does nothing
    2. No icon on notification area
    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-screenshot_1.jpg
    3. No icon on notification area
    4. No brightness slider
    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-screenshot_3.jpg
    5. No options at all. When I click on "change display settings" it opens point 4 display settings
    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-screenshot_4.jpg
    6. No slider under power settings
    7. And option under advanced power settings
    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-screenshot_6.jpg
    8. Not sure what it means, but brightness won't change anyway
    Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10-screenshot_2.jpg
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 72,436
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Ruu, :)

    Is this a PC, laptop, or tablet?

    If PC, then the screen brightness setting won't be available.
      My Computers

  4. Ruu
    Posts : 6
    Windows 10

    Brink said:
    Hello Ruu, :)

    Is this a PC, laptop, or tablet?

    If PC, then the screen brightness setting won't be available.

    Yes, it is PC.
    But why? My screen is too dark
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 72,436
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    It's a setting only available on tablets and notebooks.

    You should still be able to manually adjust the brightness level with the monitor's on screen settings though. Check your monitor's manual for more on how to do so. It'll usually be a button at the bottom of the monitor to press.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 44
    ten 64

    I use this registry pathes

    ; power plan HIGH PERFORMANCE - set video dim to 65% for DC
    reg_keyname   = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\User\PowerSchemes\8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c\7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99\aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcb"
    reg_valuename  = "DCSettingIndex"
    reg_type    = "REG_DWORD"
    reg_value    = 65
    ; power plan HIGH PERFORMANCE - set video dim to 100% for AC
    reg_keyname   = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\User\PowerSchemes\8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c\7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99\aded5e82-b909-4619-9949-f5d71dac0bcb"
    reg_valuename  = "ACSettingIndex"
    reg_type    = "REG_DWORD"
    reg_value    = 100

    for laptops.
    The values are for High Performance plan only
    Works in 10 , 8.x , 7

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 24
    Windows 10

    Good guys, how can we get / know the brightness level of the screen? Windows registry? Help.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,208
    11 Home

    Instead of running a command that flashes a slow-loading Powershell window, you can put this in a batchfile:
    FOR /F "tokens=4" %%v IN ('powercfg GetActiveScheme') DO (SET a=%%v)
    powercfg SetDcValueIndex %a% SUB_VIDEO VIDEONORMALLEVEL <Brightness Level>
    Substitute <Brightness Level> in the above batch code with 0 to 100 brightness level percentage you want.
    To make the command window invisible, you can put this in a .vbs file:
    Dim wshShell
    Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    wshShell.Run """C:\tools\Adjust Screen Brightness.bat""", 0
    Set wshShell = Nothing
    Substitute C:\tools\Adjust Screen Brightness.bat in the VBScript above with the filepath of your batchfile.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Underthaker said:
    Good guys, how can we get / know the brightness level of the screen? Windows registry? Help.
    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
    FOR /F "tokens=4" %%v IN ('powercfg GetActiveScheme') DO (SET a=%%v)
    SET LF=^
    REM The two empty lines are required here
    SET "output="
    FOR /F "delims=" %%v IN ('powercfg q %a% SUB_VIDEO') DO (
       IF DEFINED output SET "output=!output!!LF!"
       SET "output=%%v"
       SET "output=!output:*DC Power Setting Index: =!
       IF !c! == 1 (IF NOT !output! == %%v GOTO endloop)
       IF !output! == !b! SET /a c=1
    SET /a r=!output!
    ECHO The current screen brightness level is: %r%%%
    EDIT: Please note, it should work on English versions of Windows 10/11. I only tested it on the Dutch version of Windows 11 Home, it works. On the German version of Windows you would need to modify the batch code so it matches the language translations for the powercfg command's output (whereas on the Dutch version of Windows it uses the English language instead ). Anyway, here is a slightly shorter version:
    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
    FOR /F "tokens=4" %%v IN ('powercfg GetActiveScheme') DO (SET a=%%v)
    SET LF=^
    REM The two empty lines are required here
    SET "output="
    FOR /F "delims=" %%v IN ('powercfg q %a% SUB_VIDEO VIDEONORMALLEVEL') DO (
       IF DEFINED output SET "output=!output!!LF!"
       SET "output=%%v"
       SET "output=!output:*DC Power Setting Index: =!
       IF NOT !output! == %%v GOTO endloop
    SET /a r=!output!
    ECHO The current screen brightness level is: %r%%%
    EDIT2: This is even shorter still, and it should work on any language of Windows:
    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
    FOR /F "tokens=4" %%v IN ('powercfg GetActiveScheme') DO (SET a=%%v)
    SET LF=^
    REM The two empty lines are required here
    SET "output="
    FOR /F "delims=" %%v IN ('powercfg q %a% SUB_VIDEO VIDEONORMALLEVEL') DO (
       IF DEFINED output SET "output=!output!!LF!"
       SET "output=%%v"
       SET "output=!output:*: =!
    SET /a r=!output!
    ECHO The current screen brightness level is: %r%%%
    Last edited by hdmi; 20 Nov 2021 at 05:31.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 44
    Windows 10 Pro

    Option Nine works for me thanks. Infuriating I have to look up for guide for a seemingly simple issue. Used to switch brightness around through right click Taskbar -> Setting -> Brightness now it's poof and gone on this new PC.
      My Computer


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