How to Hide or Show Ribbon in Windows 10 File Explorer
You can use the ribbon in File Explorer for common tasks, such as copying and moving, creating new folders, emailing and zipping items, and changing the view. The tabs change to show extra tasks that apply to the selected item.
Users can select to show (expand) the Ribbon so that it is always expanded even after you click a command on the Ribbon, or select to hide (minimize) the Ribbon to show only the tab names on the Ribbon.
Administrators can specify how the ribbon appears the first time users open File Explorer and whenever they open new File Explorer windows.
This tutorial will show you different ways to hide or show the Ribbon in File Explorer for your account or all users in Windows 10.
- Option One: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for Your Account using Keyboard Shortcut
- Option Two: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for Your Account from Ribbon Tab Bar
- Option Three: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for Your Account from Ribbon Arrow
- Option Four: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for Your Account from QAT
- Option Five: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for Your Account using REG file
- Option Six: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for All Users in Local Group Policy Editor
- Option Seven: To Hide or Show Ribbon in File Explorer for All Users using REG file
EXAMPLE: Ribbon in File Explorer
Option Six and Option Seven will override this option.
1 While in File Explorer (Win+E), press the Ctrl + F1 keys to toggle to expand (show - default) or minimize (hide) the Ribbon.
Option Six and Option Seven will override this option.
1 While in File Explorer (Win+E), do step 2 (hide) or step 3 (show) for what you would like to do.
This is the default setting.
A) Right click or press and hold on an empty area of the Ribbon tab bar, and click/tap on Minimize the Ribbon to uncheck it. (see screenshot below)
Option Six and Option Seven will override this option.
1 While in File Explorer (Win+E), do step 2 (hide) or step 3 (show) for what you would like to do.
This is the default setting.
Option Six and Option Seven will override this option.
1 While in File Explorer (Win+E), do step 2 (hide) or step 3 (show) for what you would like to do.
This is the default setting.
A) Click/tap on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu arrow, and click/tap on Minimize the Ribbon to uncheck it. (see screenshot below)
A) Click/tap on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu arrow, and click/tap on Minimize the Ribbon to check it. (see screenshot below)
Option Six and Option Seven will override this option.
The downloadable .reg files below will modify the DWORDs in the registry keys below.
(When Tablet Mode off)
MinimizedStateTabletModeOff DWORD
0 = Always show (expand)
1 = Always hide (minimize)
(When Tablet Mode on)
MinimizedStateTabletModeOn DWORD
0 = Always show (expand)
1 = Always hide (minimize)
1 Do step 2 (show) or step 3 (hide) below for what you would like to do.
This is the default setting.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below you want to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.
(When Tablet Mode off)
(When Tablet Mode on)
A) Click/tap on the Download button below you want to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.
(When Tablet Mode off)
(When Tablet Mode on)
4 Save the .reg file to your desktop.
5 Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to merge it.
6 When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve the merge.
7 If File Explorer is currently open, close and open it to apply.
8 If you like, you can delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.
You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to do this option.
The Local Group Policy Editor is only available in the Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions. All editions can use Option Seven below.
This option will affect all users on the PC, and will override options 1 to 5 above.
1 Open the Local Group Policy Editor.
2 Navigate to the location below in the left pane of Local Group Policy Editor. (see screenshot below)
3 In the right pane of the File Explorer folder, double click/tap on Start File Explorer with Ribbon minimized to edit it. (see screenshot above)
4 Do step 5 (specify policy) or step 6 (default) below for what you would like to do.
A) Select (dot) Enabled, select the setting you want under Options, click/tap on OK, and go to step 7. (see screenshot below step 6)
A) Select (dot) either Not Configured or Disabled, click/tap on OK, and go to step 7. (see screenshot below)
Not configured is the default setting.
7 You can now close Local Group Policy Editor if you like.
You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to do this option.
This option does the same thing as Option Six above. It will affect all users on the PC, and will override options 1 to 5 above.
The downloadable .reg files below will modify the DWORD in the registry key below.
ExplorerRibbonStartsMinimized DWORD
0 or delete = Not configured (default)
1 = Always open new File Explorer windows with the ribbon minimized
2 = Never open new File Explorer windows with the ribbon minimized
3 = Minimize the ribbon when File Explorer is opened the first time
4 = Display the full ribbon when File Explorer is opened the first time
1 Do step 2 (not configured), step 3 (always hide), step 4 (always show), step 5 (always hide 1st time), or step 6 (always show 1st time) below for what you would like to do.
This is the default setting.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 7 below.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 7 below.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 7 below.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 7 below.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 7 below.
7 Save the .reg file to your desktop.
8 Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to merge it.
9 When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve the merge.
10 If File Explorer is currently open, close and open it to apply.
11 If you like, you can delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.
That's it,