Yes but somebody who has never heard of Windows hello will not know that that comment applies to them and will, as in the example thread, spend their lives looking for a solution.
- I know your link is going to the same tutorial as I posted a link to.
- But your bolded Hello link wording rather overpowers the sentence.
Perhaps the yellow-backgound note could be edited to make an explicit reference linking
the non-appearance of the NetPlWiz checkbox
turning off passwordless sign-in
the tutorial Enable or Disable Passwordless Sign-in - TenForumsTutorials
Actually, I thought the original tutorial wording used to be something like If there is no checkbox in the NetPlWiz dialog then disable passwordless sign-in using
Enable or Disable Passwordless Sign-in - TenForumsTutorials
[For those not signed into an MSAccount, passwordless sign-in can be disabled using Option 2.]
All the best,