Shell Commands List for Windows 10  

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  1. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    @Brink and others,

    If the above two sections [ NOT the actual Script itself ] work on your computer, please let me know and I will update the Script accordingly.

    I think explorer shell:CameraRoll [ does NOT work on mine but the following does ] should possibly be . . .
    explorer shell:CameraRollLibrary

    Also, I have found that these additional commands also work:
    explorer shell:Captures
    explorer shell:Local Documents
    explorer shell:Local Downloads
    explorer shell:Local Music
    explorer shell:Local Pictures
    explorer shell:Local Videos
    explorer shell:SavedMusic
    explorer shell:SavedPictures
    explorer shell:SavedPicturesLibrary
    explorer shell:SavedVideos
    explorer shell:ThisDeviceFolder

    I have spent way TOO long on this.
    Last edited by Paul Black; 29 Jun 2022 at 09:45.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Well, I really did have a SENIOR day yesterday !

    Last night I thought to myself, rather than searching the Internet for Shell commands and then testing them on my system, why NOT see if I could put a command together to directly extract them.

    I investigated and found that ALL the folders reside in the Registry Key . . .

    So, to cut a long story short, I created this command one liner . . .
    PowerShell Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions' ^| ForEach-Object {New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (@{RelativePath=$_.GetValue('RelativePath');Name=$_.GetValue('Name')})} ^| Sort-Object -Property Name ^| Format-Table -AutoSize Name, RelativePath

    Then I thought that I would make the command more readable in case @Brink wanted to add it to the Tutorial:
    PowerShell Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions' ^| ^
      ForEach-Object { ^
        New-Object ` ^
           -TypeName PSObject ` ^
           -Property (@{RelativePath=$_.GetValue('RelativePath');Name=$_.GetValue('Name')}) ^
    } ^| Sort-Object -Property Name ^| Format-Table -AutoSize Name, RelativePath

    Then I thought that I would convert it into pure PowerShell:
    Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions' | 
    ForEach-Object { 
      New-Object `
         -TypeName PSObject `
         -Property (@{RelativePath=$_.GetValue('RelativePath');Name=$_.GetValue('Name')}) 
    } | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table -AutoSize Name, RelativePath

    Here is the completed Script for ALL the Shell commands CURRENTLY listed using the above for [Win 10 Home] and [Win 10 Professional], and BOTH [32-bit] and [64-bit].

    @echo off
    if not "%1"=="max" start /max cmd /c %0 max & Exit /b
    :: ##############################################################################################
    :: # Title     : Shell Commands - Complete List                                                 #
    :: # Created By: Paul Black                                                                     #
    :: # Created On: 30-Jun-2022                                                                    #
    :: # Filename  : Shell_Commands_Complete_List_By_Name.bat                                       #
    :: # Tutorial  : #
    :: ##############################################################################################
    set "Title=Shell Commands - Complete List" & set "Author=Paul Black"
    title %Title% - Written by %Author%.
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    fsutil Dirty Query %SystemDrive% > nul && goto:[RunAs]
    echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^). ^
    ShellExecute "%~0","+","","RunAs",1 > "%Temp%\+.vbs" && "%Temp%\+.vbs" & Exit
    echo. & echo  =====================================================================================================================================================================
            echo  %Title%:-
            echo  =====================================================================================================================================================================
    echo. & echo  INFORMATION:
    echo. & echo    ^> A Shell Command can be typed in the Run [Win+R] Dialog Box, Search, File Explorer Address Bar, and Internet Explorer Address Bar to open a Windows Shell Folder.
            echo    ^> Some of the [Options] Names have a space, and some do NOT. This is exactly as they appear and are used in [explorer shell:^<Command_Name^>].
            echo    ^> ALL the [Options] have been confirmed as CURRENTLY correct for [Win 10 Home] and [Win 10 Professional].
            echo    ^> BOTH [32-bit] and [64-bit] are identical except for [ProgramFilesCommonX64] and [ProgramFilesX64] being additionally included in the [64-bit] version.
            echo    ^> The [Options] are Sorted by [Name].
    echo. & echo  CAVEATS:
    echo. & echo    ^> Games [explorer shell:Games] was removed in [Win 10 Version 1803].
    echo. & echo  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo. & echo  Options:
    echo. & echo  [  0] EXIT this Program.
    echo. &	echo  [  1] 3D Objects                        [ 35] ConnectionsFolder                 [ 69] My Pictures                       [103] RecycleBinFolder
    	echo  [  2] AccountPictures                   [ 36] Contacts                          [ 70] My Video                          [104] ResourceDir
    	echo  [  3] AddNewProgramsFolder              [ 37] ControlPanelFolder                [ 71] MyComputerFolder                  [105] Retail Demo
    	echo  [  4] Administrative Tools              [ 38] Cookies                           [ 72] NetHood                           [106] Ringtones
    	echo  [  5] AppData                           [ 39] CredentialManager                 [ 73] NetworkPlacesFolder               [107] Roamed Tile Images
    	echo  [  6] AppDataDesktop                    [ 40] CryptoKeys                        [ 74] OEM Links                         [108] Roaming Tiles
    	echo  [  7] AppDataDocuments                  [ 41] CSCFolder                         [ 75] OneDrive                          [109] SavedGames
    	echo  [  8] AppDataFavorites                  [ 42] Desktop                           [ 76] OneDriveCameraRoll                [110] SavedPictures
    	echo  [  9] AppDataProgramData                [ 43] Development Files                 [ 77] OneDriveDocuments                 [111] SavedPicturesLibrary
    	echo  [ 10] Application Shortcuts             [ 44] Device Metadata Store             [ 78] OneDriveMusic                     [112] Screenshots
    	echo  [ 11] AppMods                           [ 45] DocumentsLibrary                  [ 79] OneDrivePictures                  [113] Searches
    	echo  [ 12] AppsFolder                        [ 46] Downloads                         [ 80] Original Images                   [114] SearchHistoryFolder
    	echo  [ 13] AppUpdatesFolder                  [ 47] DpapiKeys                         [ 81] Personal                          [115] SearchHomeFolder
    	echo  [ 14] Cache                             [ 48] Favorites                         [ 82] PhotoAlbums                       [116] SearchTemplatesFolder
    	echo  [ 15] Camera Roll                       [ 49] Fonts                             [ 83] PicturesLibrary                   [117] SendTo
    	echo  [ 16] CameraRollLibrary                 [ 50] GameTasks                         [ 84] Playlists                         [118] Start Menu
    	echo  [ 17] Captures                          [ 51] History                           [ 85] PrintersFolder                    [119] Startup
    	echo  [ 18] CD Burning                        [ 52] HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder        [ 86] PrintHood                         [120] SyncCenterFolder
    	echo  [ 19] ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder        [ 53] HomeGroupFolder                   [ 87] Profile                           [121] SyncResultsFolder
    	echo  [ 20] Common Administrative Tools       [ 54] ImplicitAppShortcuts              [ 88] ProgramFiles                      [122] SyncSetupFolder
    	echo  [ 21] Common AppData                    [ 55] InternetFolder                    [ 89] ProgramFilesCommon                [123] System
    	echo  [ 22] Common Desktop                    [ 56] Libraries                         [ 90] ProgramFilesCommonX64             [124] SystemCertificates
    	echo  [ 23] Common Documents                  [ 57] Links                             [ 91] ProgramFilesCommonX86             [125] SystemX86
    	echo  [ 24] Common Programs                   [ 58] Local AppData                     [ 92] ProgramFilesX64                   [126] Templates
    	echo  [ 25] Common Start Menu                 [ 59] Local Documents                   [ 93] ProgramFilesX86                   [127] ThisDeviceFolder
    	echo  [ 26] Common Start Menu Places          [ 60] Local Downloads                   [ 94] Programs                          [128] ThisPCDesktopFolder
    	echo  [ 27] Common Startup                    [ 61] Local Music                       [ 95] Public                            [129] User Pinned
    	echo  [ 28] Common Templates                  [ 62] Local Pictures                    [ 96] PublicAccountPictures             [130] UserProfiles
    	echo  [ 29] CommonDownloads                   [ 63] Local Videos                      [ 97] PublicGameTasks                   [131] UserProgramFiles
    	echo  [ 30] CommonMusic                       [ 64] LocalAppDataLow                   [ 98] PublicLibraries                   [132] UserProgramFilesCommon
    	echo  [ 31] CommonPictures                    [ 65] LocalizedResourcesDir             [ 99] Quick Launch                      [133] UsersFilesFolder
    	echo  [ 32] CommonRingtones                   [ 66] MAPIFolder                        [100] Recent                            [134] UsersLibrariesFolder
    	echo  [ 33] CommonVideo                       [ 67] MusicLibrary                      [101] Recorded Calls                    [135] VideosLibrary
    	echo  [ 34] ConflictFolder                    [ 68] My Music                          [102] RecordedTVLibrary                 [136] Windows
    echo. & echo  =====================================================================================================================================================================& echo.
    set "UserInput="
    set /p "UserInput=>Enter an Option number and press <Enter>: "
    if   "%UserInput%"=="" cls & goto :Options
    if /i %UserInput%==0   Exit
    if /i %UserInput%==1   goto:3DObjects
    if /i %UserInput%==2   goto:AccountPictures
    if /i %UserInput%==3   goto:AddNewProgramsFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==4   goto:AdministrativeTools
    if /i %UserInput%==5   goto:AppData
    if /i %UserInput%==6   goto:AppDataDesktop
    if /i %UserInput%==7   goto:AppDataDocuments
    if /i %UserInput%==8   goto:AppDataFavorites
    if /i %UserInput%==9   goto:AppDataProgramData
    if /i %UserInput%==10  goto:ApplicationShortcuts
    if /i %UserInput%==11  goto:AppMods
    if /i %UserInput%==12  goto:AppsFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==13  goto:AppUpdatesFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==14  goto:Cache
    if /i %UserInput%==15  goto:CameraRoll
    if /i %UserInput%==16  goto:CameraRollLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==17  goto:Captures
    if /i %UserInput%==18  goto:CDBurning
    if /i %UserInput%==19  goto:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==20  goto:CommonAdministrativeTools
    if /i %UserInput%==21  goto:CommonAppData
    if /i %UserInput%==22  goto:CommonDesktop
    if /i %UserInput%==23  goto:CommonDocuments
    if /i %UserInput%==24  goto:CommonPrograms
    if /i %UserInput%==25  goto:CommonStartMenu
    if /i %UserInput%==26  goto:CommonStartMenuPlaces
    if /i %UserInput%==27  goto:CommonStartup
    if /i %UserInput%==28  goto:CommonTemplates
    if /i %UserInput%==29  goto:CommonDownloads
    if /i %UserInput%==30  goto:CommonMusic
    if /i %UserInput%==31  goto:CommonPictures
    if /i %UserInput%==32  goto:CommonRingtones
    if /i %UserInput%==33  goto:CommonVideo
    if /i %UserInput%==34  goto:ConflictFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==35  goto:ConnectionsFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==36  goto:Contacts
    if /i %UserInput%==37  goto:ControlPanelFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==38  goto:Cookies
    if /i %UserInput%==39  goto:CredentialManager
    if /i %UserInput%==40  goto:CryptoKeys
    if /i %UserInput%==41  goto:CSCFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==42  goto:Desktop
    if /i %UserInput%==43  goto:DevelopmentFiles
    if /i %UserInput%==44  goto:DeviceMetadataStore
    if /i %UserInput%==45  goto:DocumentsLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==46  goto:Downloads
    if /i %UserInput%==47  goto:DpapiKeys
    if /i %UserInput%==48  goto:Favorites
    if /i %UserInput%==49  goto:Fonts
    if /i %UserInput%==50  goto:GameTasks
    if /i %UserInput%==51  goto:History
    if /i %UserInput%==52  goto:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==53  goto:HomeGroupFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==54  goto:ImplicitAppShortcuts
    if /i %UserInput%==55  goto:InternetFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==56  goto:Libraries
    if /i %UserInput%==57  goto:Links
    if /i %UserInput%==58  goto:LocalAppData
    if /i %UserInput%==59  goto:LocalDocuments
    if /i %UserInput%==60  goto:LocalDownloads
    if /i %UserInput%==61  goto:LocalMusic
    if /i %UserInput%==62  goto:LocalPictures
    if /i %UserInput%==63  goto:LocalVideos
    if /i %UserInput%==64  goto:LocalAppDataLow
    if /i %UserInput%==65  goto:LocalizedResourcesDir
    if /i %UserInput%==66  goto:MAPIFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==67  goto:MusicLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==68  goto:MyMusic
    if /i %UserInput%==69  goto:MyPictures
    if /i %UserInput%==70  goto:MyVideo
    if /i %UserInput%==71  goto:MyComputerFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==72  goto:NetHood
    if /i %UserInput%==73  goto:NetworkPlacesFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==74  goto:OEMLinks
    if /i %UserInput%==75  goto:OneDrive
    if /i %UserInput%==76  goto:OneDriveCameraRoll
    if /i %UserInput%==77  goto:OneDriveDocuments
    if /i %UserInput%==78  goto:OneDriveMusic
    if /i %UserInput%==79  goto:OneDrivePictures
    if /i %UserInput%==80  goto:OriginalImages
    if /i %UserInput%==81  goto:Personal
    if /i %UserInput%==82  goto:PhotoAlbums
    if /i %UserInput%==83  goto:PicturesLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==84  goto:Playlists
    if /i %UserInput%==85  goto:PrintersFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==86  goto:PrintHood
    if /i %UserInput%==87  goto:Profile
    if /i %UserInput%==88  goto:ProgramFiles
    if /i %UserInput%==89  goto:ProgramFilesCommon
    if /i %UserInput%==90  goto:ProgramFilesCommonX64
    if /i %UserInput%==91  goto:ProgramFilesCommonX86
    if /i %UserInput%==92  goto:ProgramFilesX64
    if /i %UserInput%==93  goto:ProgramFilesX86
    if /i %UserInput%==94  goto:Programs
    if /i %UserInput%==95  goto:Public
    if /i %UserInput%==96  goto:PublicAccountPictures
    if /i %UserInput%==97  goto:PublicGameTasks
    if /i %UserInput%==98  goto:PublicLibraries
    if /i %UserInput%==99  goto:QuickLaunch
    if /i %UserInput%==100 goto:Recent
    if /i %UserInput%==101 goto:RecordedCalls
    if /i %UserInput%==102 goto:RecordedTVLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==103 goto:RecycleBinFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==104 goto:ResourceDir
    if /i %UserInput%==105 goto:RetailDemo
    if /i %UserInput%==106 goto:Ringtones
    if /i %UserInput%==107 goto:RoamedTileImages
    if /i %UserInput%==108 goto:RoamingTiles
    if /i %UserInput%==109 goto:SavedGames
    if /i %UserInput%==110 goto:SavedPictures
    if /i %UserInput%==111 goto:SavedPicturesLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==112 goto:Screenshots
    if /i %UserInput%==113 goto:Searches
    if /i %UserInput%==114 goto:SearchHistoryFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==115 goto:SearchHomeFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==116 goto:SearchTemplatesFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==117 goto:SendTo
    if /i %UserInput%==118 goto:StartMenu
    if /i %UserInput%==119 goto:Startup
    if /i %UserInput%==120 goto:SyncCenterFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==121 goto:SyncResultsFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==122 goto:SyncSetupFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==123 goto:System
    if /i %UserInput%==124 goto:SystemCertificates
    if /i %UserInput%==125 goto:SystemX86
    if /i %UserInput%==126 goto:Templates
    if /i %UserInput%==127 goto:ThisDeviceFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==128 goto:ThisPCDesktopFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==129 goto:UserPinned
    if /i %UserInput%==130 goto:UserProfiles
    if /i %UserInput%==131 goto:UserProgramFiles
    if /i %UserInput%==132 goto:UserProgramFilesCommon
    if /i %UserInput%==133 goto:UsersFilesFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==134 goto:UsersLibrariesFolder
    if /i %UserInput%==135 goto:VideosLibrary
    if /i %UserInput%==136 goto:Windows
    goto :Options
    explorer shell:3D Objects & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AccountPictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AddNewProgramsFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Administrative Tools & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppData & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppDataDesktop & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppDataDocuments & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppDataFavorites & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppDataProgramData & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Application Shortcuts & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppMods & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppsFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:AppUpdatesFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Cache & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Camera Roll & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CameraRollLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Captures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CD Burning & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Administrative Tools & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common AppData & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Desktop & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Documents & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Programs & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Start Menu & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Start Menu Places & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Startup & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Common Templates & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CommonDownloads & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CommonMusic & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CommonPictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CommonRingtones & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CommonVideo & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ConflictFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ConnectionsFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Contacts & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Cookies & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CredentialManager & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CryptoKeys & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:CSCFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Desktop & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Development Files & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Device Metadata Store & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:DocumentsLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Downloads & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:DpapiKeys & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Favorites & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Fonts & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:GameTasks & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:History & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:HomeGroupFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:InternetFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Libraries & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Links & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Local AppData & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Local Documents & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Local Downloads & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Local Music & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Local Pictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Local Videos & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:LocalAppDataLow & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:LocalizedResourcesDir & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:MAPIFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:MusicLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:My Music & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:My Pictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:My Video & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:MyComputerFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:NetHood & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:NetworkPlacesFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:OEM Links & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:OneDrive & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:OneDriveCameraRoll & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:OneDriveDocuments & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:OneDriveMusic & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:OneDrivePictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Original Images & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Personal & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PhotoAlbums & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PicturesLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Playlists & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PrintersFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PrintHood & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Profile & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ProgramFiles & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommon & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64 & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ProgramFilesX64 & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ProgramFilesX86 & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Programs & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Public & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PublicAccountPictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PublicGameTasks & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:PublicLibraries & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Quick Launch & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Recent & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Recorded Calls & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:RecordedTVLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:RecycleBinFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ResourceDir & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Retail Demo & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Ringtones & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Roamed Tile Images & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Roaming Tiles & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SavedGames & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SavedPictures & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SavedPicturesLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Screenshots & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Searches & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SearchHistoryFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SearchHomeFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SearchTemplatesFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SendTo & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Start Menu & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Startup & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SyncCenterFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SyncResultsFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SyncSetupFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:System & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SystemCertificates & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:SystemX86 & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Templates & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ThisDeviceFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:ThisPCDesktopFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:User Pinned & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:UserProfiles & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:UserProgramFiles & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:UserProgramFilesCommon & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:UsersFilesFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:UsersLibrariesFolder & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:VideosLibrary & cls & goto :Options
    explorer shell:Windows & cls & goto :Options

    Another Project finished !

    I hope someone finds it useful.

    NOTE:- I have Re-Scripted the above code using an Array instead of goto: in Post #12 below.
    Last edited by Paul Black; 10 Nov 2022 at 17:53.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,032
    Win 10 Pro 64-bit v1909 - Build 18363 Custom ISO Install

    Hello @Brink,

    Paul Black said:
    Another Project finished !

    As I am just sitting here listening to Bach, and having remembered that I had written this, I decided to Re-Script the above code using an Array instead of goto:.

    @echo off
    if not "%1"=="max" start /max cmd /c %0 max & Exit /b
    :: ################################################################################################
    :: # Title     : Shell Commands - List                                                            #
    :: # Created By: Paul Black [From Brink's (Administrator) Tutorial at listed below] #
    :: # Created On: 10-Nov-2022                                                                      #
    :: # Filename  : Shell_Commands_List.bat                                                          #
    :: # Tutorial  :   #
    :: ################################################################################################
    set "Title=Shell Commands - List" & set "Author=Paul Black"
    title %Title% - Written by %Author%.
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    fsutil Dirty Query %SystemDrive% > nul && goto:[RunAs]
    echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^). ^
    ShellExecute "%~0","+","","RunAs",1 > "%Temp%\+.vbs" && "%Temp%\+.vbs" & Exit
    set Arr[0]=Exit
    set Arr[1]=explorer shell:3D Objects
    set Arr[2]=explorer shell:AccountPictures
    set Arr[3]=explorer shell:AddNewProgramsFolder
    set Arr[4]=explorer shell:Administrative Tools
    set Arr[5]=explorer shell:AppData
    set Arr[6]=explorer shell:AppDataDesktop
    set Arr[7]=explorer shell:AppDataDocuments
    set Arr[8]=explorer shell:AppDataFavorites
    set Arr[9]=explorer shell:AppDataProgramData
    set Arr[10]=explorer shell:Application Shortcuts
    set Arr[11]=explorer shell:AppMods
    set Arr[12]=explorer shell:AppsFolder
    set Arr[13]=explorer shell:AppUpdatesFolder
    set Arr[14]=explorer shell:Cache
    set Arr[15]=explorer shell:Camera Roll
    set Arr[16]=explorer shell:CameraRollLibrary
    set Arr[17]=explorer shell:Captures
    set Arr[18]=explorer shell:CD Burning
    set Arr[19]=explorer shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder
    set Arr[20]=explorer shell:Common Administrative Tools
    set Arr[21]=explorer shell:Common AppData
    set Arr[22]=explorer shell:Common Desktop
    set Arr[23]=explorer shell:Common Documents
    set Arr[24]=explorer shell:Common Programs
    set Arr[25]=explorer shell:Common Start Menu
    set Arr[26]=explorer shell:Common Start Menu Places
    set Arr[27]=explorer shell:Common Startup
    set Arr[28]=explorer shell:Common Templates
    set Arr[29]=explorer shell:CommonDownloads
    set Arr[30]=explorer shell:CommonMusic
    set Arr[31]=explorer shell:CommonPictures
    set Arr[32]=explorer shell:CommonRingtones
    set Arr[33]=explorer shell:CommonVideo
    set Arr[34]=explorer shell:ConflictFolder
    set Arr[35]=explorer shell:ConnectionsFolder
    set Arr[36]=explorer shell:Contacts
    set Arr[37]=explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder
    set Arr[38]=explorer shell:Cookies
    set Arr[39]=explorer shell:CredentialManager
    set Arr[40]=explorer shell:CryptoKeys
    set Arr[41]=explorer shell:CSCFolder
    set Arr[42]=explorer shell:Desktop
    set Arr[43]=explorer shell:Development Files
    set Arr[44]=explorer shell:Device Metadata Store
    set Arr[45]=explorer shell:DocumentsLibrary
    set Arr[46]=explorer shell:Downloads
    set Arr[47]=explorer shell:DpapiKeys
    set Arr[48]=explorer shell:Favorites
    set Arr[49]=explorer shell:Fonts
    set Arr[50]=explorer shell:GameTasks
    set Arr[51]=explorer shell:History
    set Arr[52]=explorer shell:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder
    set Arr[53]=explorer shell:HomeGroupFolder
    set Arr[54]=explorer shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts
    set Arr[55]=explorer shell:InternetFolder
    set Arr[56]=explorer shell:Libraries
    set Arr[57]=explorer shell:Links
    set Arr[58]=explorer shell:Local AppData
    set Arr[59]=explorer shell:Local Documents
    set Arr[60]=explorer shell:Local Downloads
    set Arr[61]=explorer shell:Local Music
    set Arr[62]=explorer shell:Local Pictures
    set Arr[63]=explorer shell:Local Videos
    set Arr[64]=explorer shell:LocalAppDataLow
    set Arr[65]=explorer shell:LocalizedResourcesDir
    set Arr[66]=explorer shell:MAPIFolder
    set Arr[67]=explorer shell:MusicLibrary
    set Arr[68]=explorer shell:My Music
    set Arr[69]=explorer shell:My Pictures
    set Arr[70]=explorer shell:My Video
    set Arr[71]=explorer shell:MyComputerFolder
    set Arr[72]=explorer shell:NetHood
    set Arr[73]=explorer shell:NetworkPlacesFolder
    set Arr[74]=explorer shell:OEM Links
    set Arr[75]=explorer shell:OneDrive
    set Arr[76]=explorer shell:OneDriveCameraRoll
    set Arr[77]=explorer shell:OneDriveDocuments
    set Arr[78]=explorer shell:OneDriveMusic
    set Arr[79]=explorer shell:OneDrivePictures
    set Arr[80]=explorer shell:Original Images
    set Arr[81]=explorer shell:Personal
    set Arr[82]=explorer shell:PhotoAlbums
    set Arr[83]=explorer shell:PicturesLibrary
    set Arr[84]=explorer shell:Playlists
    set Arr[85]=explorer shell:PrintersFolder
    set Arr[86]=explorer shell:PrintHood
    set Arr[87]=explorer shell:Profile
    set Arr[88]=explorer shell:ProgramFiles
    set Arr[89]=explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommon
    set Arr[90]=explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64
    set Arr[91]=explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86
    set Arr[92]=explorer shell:ProgramFilesX64
    set Arr[93]=explorer shell:ProgramFilesX86
    set Arr[94]=explorer shell:Programs
    set Arr[95]=explorer shell:Public
    set Arr[96]=explorer shell:PublicAccountPictures
    set Arr[97]=explorer shell:PublicGameTasks
    set Arr[98]=explorer shell:PublicLibraries
    set Arr[99]=explorer shell:Quick Launch
    set Arr[100]=explorer shell:Recent
    set Arr[101]=explorer shell:Recorded Calls
    set Arr[102]=explorer shell:RecordedTVLibrary
    set Arr[103]=explorer shell:RecycleBinFolder
    set Arr[104]=explorer shell:ResourceDir
    set Arr[105]=explorer shell:Retail Demo
    set Arr[106]=explorer shell:Ringtones
    set Arr[107]=explorer shell:Roamed Tile Images
    set Arr[108]=explorer shell:Roaming Tiles
    set Arr[109]=explorer shell:SavedGames
    set Arr[110]=explorer shell:SavedPictures
    set Arr[111]=explorer shell:SavedPicturesLibrary
    set Arr[112]=explorer shell:Screenshots
    set Arr[113]=explorer shell:Searches
    set Arr[114]=explorer shell:SearchHistoryFolder
    set Arr[115]=explorer shell:SearchHomeFolder
    set Arr[116]=explorer shell:SearchTemplatesFolder
    set Arr[117]=explorer shell:SendTo
    set Arr[118]=explorer shell:Start Menu
    set Arr[119]=explorer shell:Startup
    set Arr[120]=explorer shell:SyncCenterFolder
    set Arr[121]=explorer shell:SyncResultsFolder
    set Arr[122]=explorer shell:SyncSetupFolder
    set Arr[123]=explorer shell:System
    set Arr[124]=explorer shell:SystemCertificates
    set Arr[125]=explorer shell:SystemX86
    set Arr[126]=explorer shell:Templates
    set Arr[127]=explorer shell:ThisDeviceFolder
    set Arr[128]=explorer shell:ThisPCDesktopFolder
    set Arr[129]=explorer shell:User Pinned
    set Arr[130]=explorer shell:UserProfiles
    set Arr[131]=explorer shell:UserProgramFiles
    set Arr[132]=explorer shell:UserProgramFilesCommon
    set Arr[133]=explorer shell:UsersFilesFolder
    set Arr[134]=explorer shell:UsersLibrariesFolder
    set Arr[135]=explorer shell:VideosLibrary
    set Arr[136]=explorer shell:Windows
    echo. & echo  =====================================================================================================================================================================
            echo  %Title%:-
            echo  =====================================================================================================================================================================
    echo. & echo  INFORMATION:
    echo. & echo    ^> A Shell Command can be typed in the Run [Win+R] Dialog Box, Search, File Explorer Address Bar, and Internet Explorer Address Bar to open a Windows Shell Folder.
            echo    ^> Some of the [Options] Names have a space, and some do NOT. This is exactly as they appear and are used in [explorer shell:^<Command_Name^>].
            echo    ^> ALL the [Options] have been confirmed as CURRENTLY correct for [Win 10 Home] and [Win 10 Professional].
            echo    ^> BOTH [32-bit] and [64-bit] are identical except for [ProgramFilesCommonX64] and [ProgramFilesX64] being additionally included in the [64-bit] version.
            echo    ^> The [Options] are Sorted by [Name].
    echo. & echo  CAVEATS:
    echo. & echo    Games [explorer shell:Games] was removed in [Win 10 Version 1803].
    echo. & echo  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo. & echo  Options:
    echo. & echo  [  0] EXIT this Program.
    echo. &	echo  [  1] 3D Objects                        [ 35] ConnectionsFolder                 [ 69] My Pictures                       [103] RecycleBinFolder
    	echo  [  2] AccountPictures                   [ 36] Contacts                          [ 70] My Video                          [104] ResourceDir
    	echo  [  3] AddNewProgramsFolder              [ 37] ControlPanelFolder                [ 71] MyComputerFolder                  [105] Retail Demo
    	echo  [  4] Administrative Tools              [ 38] Cookies                           [ 72] NetHood                           [106] Ringtones
    	echo  [  5] AppData                           [ 39] CredentialManager                 [ 73] NetworkPlacesFolder               [107] Roamed Tile Images
    	echo  [  6] AppDataDesktop                    [ 40] CryptoKeys                        [ 74] OEM Links                         [108] Roaming Tiles
    	echo  [  7] AppDataDocuments                  [ 41] CSCFolder                         [ 75] OneDrive                          [109] SavedGames
    	echo  [  8] AppDataFavorites                  [ 42] Desktop                           [ 76] OneDriveCameraRoll                [110] SavedPictures
    	echo  [  9] AppDataProgramData                [ 43] Development Files                 [ 77] OneDriveDocuments                 [111] SavedPicturesLibrary
    	echo  [ 10] Application Shortcuts             [ 44] Device Metadata Store             [ 78] OneDriveMusic                     [112] Screenshots
    	echo  [ 11] AppMods                           [ 45] DocumentsLibrary                  [ 79] OneDrivePictures                  [113] Searches
    	echo  [ 12] AppsFolder                        [ 46] Downloads                         [ 80] Original Images                   [114] SearchHistoryFolder
    	echo  [ 13] AppUpdatesFolder                  [ 47] DpapiKeys                         [ 81] Personal                          [115] SearchHomeFolder
    	echo  [ 14] Cache                             [ 48] Favorites                         [ 82] PhotoAlbums                       [116] SearchTemplatesFolder
    	echo  [ 15] Camera Roll                       [ 49] Fonts                             [ 83] PicturesLibrary                   [117] SendTo
    	echo  [ 16] CameraRollLibrary                 [ 50] GameTasks                         [ 84] Playlists                         [118] Start Menu
    	echo  [ 17] Captures                          [ 51] History                           [ 85] PrintersFolder                    [119] Startup
    	echo  [ 18] CD Burning                        [ 52] HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder        [ 86] PrintHood                         [120] SyncCenterFolder
    	echo  [ 19] ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder        [ 53] HomeGroupFolder                   [ 87] Profile                           [121] SyncResultsFolder
    	echo  [ 20] Common Administrative Tools       [ 54] ImplicitAppShortcuts              [ 88] ProgramFiles                      [122] SyncSetupFolder
    	echo  [ 21] Common AppData                    [ 55] InternetFolder                    [ 89] ProgramFilesCommon                [123] System
    	echo  [ 22] Common Desktop                    [ 56] Libraries                         [ 90] ProgramFilesCommonX64             [124] SystemCertificates
    	echo  [ 23] Common Documents                  [ 57] Links                             [ 91] ProgramFilesCommonX86             [125] SystemX86
    	echo  [ 24] Common Programs                   [ 58] Local AppData                     [ 92] ProgramFilesX64                   [126] Templates
    	echo  [ 25] Common Start Menu                 [ 59] Local Documents                   [ 93] ProgramFilesX86                   [127] ThisDeviceFolder
    	echo  [ 26] Common Start Menu Places          [ 60] Local Downloads                   [ 94] Programs                          [128] ThisPCDesktopFolder
    	echo  [ 27] Common Startup                    [ 61] Local Music                       [ 95] Public                            [129] User Pinned
    	echo  [ 28] Common Templates                  [ 62] Local Pictures                    [ 96] PublicAccountPictures             [130] UserProfiles
    	echo  [ 29] CommonDownloads                   [ 63] Local Videos                      [ 97] PublicGameTasks                   [131] UserProgramFiles
    	echo  [ 30] CommonMusic                       [ 64] LocalAppDataLow                   [ 98] PublicLibraries                   [132] UserProgramFilesCommon
    	echo  [ 31] CommonPictures                    [ 65] LocalizedResourcesDir             [ 99] Quick Launch                      [133] UsersFilesFolder
    	echo  [ 32] CommonRingtones                   [ 66] MAPIFolder                        [100] Recent                            [134] UsersLibrariesFolder
    	echo  [ 33] CommonVideo                       [ 67] MusicLibrary                      [101] Recorded Calls                    [135] VideosLibrary
    	echo  [ 34] ConflictFolder                    [ 68] My Music                          [102] RecordedTVLibrary                 [136] Windows
    echo. & echo  =====================================================================================================================================================================& echo.
    set "UserInput="
    set /p "UserInput=>Enter an Option number and press <Enter>: "
    cls & goto :Options

    NOTE:- You may need to Re-Script the above code if you are using a language OTHER than ENGLISH.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 29
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4529)

    Is there a list somewhere for shell commands that launch administrative tools, like the device manager as an example? (explorer shell:::{74246bfc-4c96-11d0-abef-0020af6b0b7a})

    (I know I can just use devmgmt.msc, but it's just for the sake of an example)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 72,072
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    cultmethod said:
    Is there a list somewhere for shell commands that launch administrative tools, like the device manager as an example? (explorer shell:::{74246bfc-4c96-11d0-abef-0020af6b0b7a})

    (I know I can just use devmgmt.msc, but it's just for the sake of an example)

    The CLSID list below may further help with this.

    CLSID Key (GUID) Shortcuts List for Windows 10
      My Computers


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