Well, I really did have a SENIOR
day yesterday !
Last night I thought to myself, rather than searching the Internet for Shell
commands and then testing them on my system, why NOT
see if I could put a command together to directly extract them.
I investigated and found that ALL the folders reside in the Registry Key
. . .
So, to cut a long story short, I created this command one liner . . .
PowerShell Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions' ^| ForEach-Object {New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (@{RelativePath=$_.GetValue('RelativePath');Name=$_.GetValue('Name')})} ^| Sort-Object -Property Name ^| Format-Table -AutoSize Name, RelativePath
Then I thought that I would make the command more readable in case @Brink wanted to add it to the Tutorial:
PowerShell Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions' ^| ^
ForEach-Object { ^
New-Object ` ^
-TypeName PSObject ` ^
-Property (@{RelativePath=$_.GetValue('RelativePath');Name=$_.GetValue('Name')}) ^
} ^| Sort-Object -Property Name ^| Format-Table -AutoSize Name, RelativePath
Then I thought that I would convert it into pure PowerShell:
Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions' |
ForEach-Object {
New-Object `
-TypeName PSObject `
-Property (@{RelativePath=$_.GetValue('RelativePath');Name=$_.GetValue('Name')})
} | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table -AutoSize Name, RelativePath
Here is the completed Script for ALL the Shell
commands CURRENTLY listed using the above for [Win 10 Home] and [Win 10 Professional], and BOTH [32-bit] and [64-bit].
@echo off
if not "%1"=="max" start /max cmd /c %0 max & Exit /b
:: ##############################################################################################
:: # Title : Shell Commands - Complete List #
:: # Created By: Paul Black #
:: # Created On: 30-Jun-2022 #
:: # Filename : Shell_Commands_Complete_List_By_Name.bat #
:: # Tutorial : https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3109-shell-commands-list-windows-10-a.html #
:: ##############################################################################################
set "Title=Shell Commands - Complete List" & set "Author=Paul Black"
title %Title% - Written by %Author%.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
fsutil Dirty Query %SystemDrive% > nul && goto:[RunAs]
echo CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^). ^
ShellExecute "%~0","+","","RunAs",1 > "%Temp%\+.vbs" && "%Temp%\+.vbs" & Exit
echo. & echo =====================================================================================================================================================================
echo %Title%:-
echo =====================================================================================================================================================================
echo. & echo INFORMATION:
echo. & echo ^> A Shell Command can be typed in the Run [Win+R] Dialog Box, Search, File Explorer Address Bar, and Internet Explorer Address Bar to open a Windows Shell Folder.
echo ^> Some of the [Options] Names have a space, and some do NOT. This is exactly as they appear and are used in [explorer shell:^<Command_Name^>].
echo ^> ALL the [Options] have been confirmed as CURRENTLY correct for [Win 10 Home] and [Win 10 Professional].
echo ^> BOTH [32-bit] and [64-bit] are identical except for [ProgramFilesCommonX64] and [ProgramFilesX64] being additionally included in the [64-bit] version.
echo ^> The [Options] are Sorted by [Name].
echo. & echo CAVEATS:
echo. & echo ^> Games [explorer shell:Games] was removed in [Win 10 Version 1803].
echo. & echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo. & echo Options:
echo. & echo [ 0] EXIT this Program.
echo. & echo [ 1] 3D Objects [ 35] ConnectionsFolder [ 69] My Pictures [103] RecycleBinFolder
echo [ 2] AccountPictures [ 36] Contacts [ 70] My Video [104] ResourceDir
echo [ 3] AddNewProgramsFolder [ 37] ControlPanelFolder [ 71] MyComputerFolder [105] Retail Demo
echo [ 4] Administrative Tools [ 38] Cookies [ 72] NetHood [106] Ringtones
echo [ 5] AppData [ 39] CredentialManager [ 73] NetworkPlacesFolder [107] Roamed Tile Images
echo [ 6] AppDataDesktop [ 40] CryptoKeys [ 74] OEM Links [108] Roaming Tiles
echo [ 7] AppDataDocuments [ 41] CSCFolder [ 75] OneDrive [109] SavedGames
echo [ 8] AppDataFavorites [ 42] Desktop [ 76] OneDriveCameraRoll [110] SavedPictures
echo [ 9] AppDataProgramData [ 43] Development Files [ 77] OneDriveDocuments [111] SavedPicturesLibrary
echo [ 10] Application Shortcuts [ 44] Device Metadata Store [ 78] OneDriveMusic [112] Screenshots
echo [ 11] AppMods [ 45] DocumentsLibrary [ 79] OneDrivePictures [113] Searches
echo [ 12] AppsFolder [ 46] Downloads [ 80] Original Images [114] SearchHistoryFolder
echo [ 13] AppUpdatesFolder [ 47] DpapiKeys [ 81] Personal [115] SearchHomeFolder
echo [ 14] Cache [ 48] Favorites [ 82] PhotoAlbums [116] SearchTemplatesFolder
echo [ 15] Camera Roll [ 49] Fonts [ 83] PicturesLibrary [117] SendTo
echo [ 16] CameraRollLibrary [ 50] GameTasks [ 84] Playlists [118] Start Menu
echo [ 17] Captures [ 51] History [ 85] PrintersFolder [119] Startup
echo [ 18] CD Burning [ 52] HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder [ 86] PrintHood [120] SyncCenterFolder
echo [ 19] ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder [ 53] HomeGroupFolder [ 87] Profile [121] SyncResultsFolder
echo [ 20] Common Administrative Tools [ 54] ImplicitAppShortcuts [ 88] ProgramFiles [122] SyncSetupFolder
echo [ 21] Common AppData [ 55] InternetFolder [ 89] ProgramFilesCommon [123] System
echo [ 22] Common Desktop [ 56] Libraries [ 90] ProgramFilesCommonX64 [124] SystemCertificates
echo [ 23] Common Documents [ 57] Links [ 91] ProgramFilesCommonX86 [125] SystemX86
echo [ 24] Common Programs [ 58] Local AppData [ 92] ProgramFilesX64 [126] Templates
echo [ 25] Common Start Menu [ 59] Local Documents [ 93] ProgramFilesX86 [127] ThisDeviceFolder
echo [ 26] Common Start Menu Places [ 60] Local Downloads [ 94] Programs [128] ThisPCDesktopFolder
echo [ 27] Common Startup [ 61] Local Music [ 95] Public [129] User Pinned
echo [ 28] Common Templates [ 62] Local Pictures [ 96] PublicAccountPictures [130] UserProfiles
echo [ 29] CommonDownloads [ 63] Local Videos [ 97] PublicGameTasks [131] UserProgramFiles
echo [ 30] CommonMusic [ 64] LocalAppDataLow [ 98] PublicLibraries [132] UserProgramFilesCommon
echo [ 31] CommonPictures [ 65] LocalizedResourcesDir [ 99] Quick Launch [133] UsersFilesFolder
echo [ 32] CommonRingtones [ 66] MAPIFolder [100] Recent [134] UsersLibrariesFolder
echo [ 33] CommonVideo [ 67] MusicLibrary [101] Recorded Calls [135] VideosLibrary
echo [ 34] ConflictFolder [ 68] My Music [102] RecordedTVLibrary [136] Windows
echo. & echo =====================================================================================================================================================================& echo.
set "UserInput="
set /p "UserInput=>Enter an Option number and press <Enter>: "
if "%UserInput%"=="" cls & goto :Options
if /i %UserInput%==0 Exit
if /i %UserInput%==1 goto:3DObjects
if /i %UserInput%==2 goto:AccountPictures
if /i %UserInput%==3 goto:AddNewProgramsFolder
if /i %UserInput%==4 goto:AdministrativeTools
if /i %UserInput%==5 goto:AppData
if /i %UserInput%==6 goto:AppDataDesktop
if /i %UserInput%==7 goto:AppDataDocuments
if /i %UserInput%==8 goto:AppDataFavorites
if /i %UserInput%==9 goto:AppDataProgramData
if /i %UserInput%==10 goto:ApplicationShortcuts
if /i %UserInput%==11 goto:AppMods
if /i %UserInput%==12 goto:AppsFolder
if /i %UserInput%==13 goto:AppUpdatesFolder
if /i %UserInput%==14 goto:Cache
if /i %UserInput%==15 goto:CameraRoll
if /i %UserInput%==16 goto:CameraRollLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==17 goto:Captures
if /i %UserInput%==18 goto:CDBurning
if /i %UserInput%==19 goto:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder
if /i %UserInput%==20 goto:CommonAdministrativeTools
if /i %UserInput%==21 goto:CommonAppData
if /i %UserInput%==22 goto:CommonDesktop
if /i %UserInput%==23 goto:CommonDocuments
if /i %UserInput%==24 goto:CommonPrograms
if /i %UserInput%==25 goto:CommonStartMenu
if /i %UserInput%==26 goto:CommonStartMenuPlaces
if /i %UserInput%==27 goto:CommonStartup
if /i %UserInput%==28 goto:CommonTemplates
if /i %UserInput%==29 goto:CommonDownloads
if /i %UserInput%==30 goto:CommonMusic
if /i %UserInput%==31 goto:CommonPictures
if /i %UserInput%==32 goto:CommonRingtones
if /i %UserInput%==33 goto:CommonVideo
if /i %UserInput%==34 goto:ConflictFolder
if /i %UserInput%==35 goto:ConnectionsFolder
if /i %UserInput%==36 goto:Contacts
if /i %UserInput%==37 goto:ControlPanelFolder
if /i %UserInput%==38 goto:Cookies
if /i %UserInput%==39 goto:CredentialManager
if /i %UserInput%==40 goto:CryptoKeys
if /i %UserInput%==41 goto:CSCFolder
if /i %UserInput%==42 goto:Desktop
if /i %UserInput%==43 goto:DevelopmentFiles
if /i %UserInput%==44 goto:DeviceMetadataStore
if /i %UserInput%==45 goto:DocumentsLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==46 goto:Downloads
if /i %UserInput%==47 goto:DpapiKeys
if /i %UserInput%==48 goto:Favorites
if /i %UserInput%==49 goto:Fonts
if /i %UserInput%==50 goto:GameTasks
if /i %UserInput%==51 goto:History
if /i %UserInput%==52 goto:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder
if /i %UserInput%==53 goto:HomeGroupFolder
if /i %UserInput%==54 goto:ImplicitAppShortcuts
if /i %UserInput%==55 goto:InternetFolder
if /i %UserInput%==56 goto:Libraries
if /i %UserInput%==57 goto:Links
if /i %UserInput%==58 goto:LocalAppData
if /i %UserInput%==59 goto:LocalDocuments
if /i %UserInput%==60 goto:LocalDownloads
if /i %UserInput%==61 goto:LocalMusic
if /i %UserInput%==62 goto:LocalPictures
if /i %UserInput%==63 goto:LocalVideos
if /i %UserInput%==64 goto:LocalAppDataLow
if /i %UserInput%==65 goto:LocalizedResourcesDir
if /i %UserInput%==66 goto:MAPIFolder
if /i %UserInput%==67 goto:MusicLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==68 goto:MyMusic
if /i %UserInput%==69 goto:MyPictures
if /i %UserInput%==70 goto:MyVideo
if /i %UserInput%==71 goto:MyComputerFolder
if /i %UserInput%==72 goto:NetHood
if /i %UserInput%==73 goto:NetworkPlacesFolder
if /i %UserInput%==74 goto:OEMLinks
if /i %UserInput%==75 goto:OneDrive
if /i %UserInput%==76 goto:OneDriveCameraRoll
if /i %UserInput%==77 goto:OneDriveDocuments
if /i %UserInput%==78 goto:OneDriveMusic
if /i %UserInput%==79 goto:OneDrivePictures
if /i %UserInput%==80 goto:OriginalImages
if /i %UserInput%==81 goto:Personal
if /i %UserInput%==82 goto:PhotoAlbums
if /i %UserInput%==83 goto:PicturesLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==84 goto:Playlists
if /i %UserInput%==85 goto:PrintersFolder
if /i %UserInput%==86 goto:PrintHood
if /i %UserInput%==87 goto:Profile
if /i %UserInput%==88 goto:ProgramFiles
if /i %UserInput%==89 goto:ProgramFilesCommon
if /i %UserInput%==90 goto:ProgramFilesCommonX64
if /i %UserInput%==91 goto:ProgramFilesCommonX86
if /i %UserInput%==92 goto:ProgramFilesX64
if /i %UserInput%==93 goto:ProgramFilesX86
if /i %UserInput%==94 goto:Programs
if /i %UserInput%==95 goto:Public
if /i %UserInput%==96 goto:PublicAccountPictures
if /i %UserInput%==97 goto:PublicGameTasks
if /i %UserInput%==98 goto:PublicLibraries
if /i %UserInput%==99 goto:QuickLaunch
if /i %UserInput%==100 goto:Recent
if /i %UserInput%==101 goto:RecordedCalls
if /i %UserInput%==102 goto:RecordedTVLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==103 goto:RecycleBinFolder
if /i %UserInput%==104 goto:ResourceDir
if /i %UserInput%==105 goto:RetailDemo
if /i %UserInput%==106 goto:Ringtones
if /i %UserInput%==107 goto:RoamedTileImages
if /i %UserInput%==108 goto:RoamingTiles
if /i %UserInput%==109 goto:SavedGames
if /i %UserInput%==110 goto:SavedPictures
if /i %UserInput%==111 goto:SavedPicturesLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==112 goto:Screenshots
if /i %UserInput%==113 goto:Searches
if /i %UserInput%==114 goto:SearchHistoryFolder
if /i %UserInput%==115 goto:SearchHomeFolder
if /i %UserInput%==116 goto:SearchTemplatesFolder
if /i %UserInput%==117 goto:SendTo
if /i %UserInput%==118 goto:StartMenu
if /i %UserInput%==119 goto:Startup
if /i %UserInput%==120 goto:SyncCenterFolder
if /i %UserInput%==121 goto:SyncResultsFolder
if /i %UserInput%==122 goto:SyncSetupFolder
if /i %UserInput%==123 goto:System
if /i %UserInput%==124 goto:SystemCertificates
if /i %UserInput%==125 goto:SystemX86
if /i %UserInput%==126 goto:Templates
if /i %UserInput%==127 goto:ThisDeviceFolder
if /i %UserInput%==128 goto:ThisPCDesktopFolder
if /i %UserInput%==129 goto:UserPinned
if /i %UserInput%==130 goto:UserProfiles
if /i %UserInput%==131 goto:UserProgramFiles
if /i %UserInput%==132 goto:UserProgramFilesCommon
if /i %UserInput%==133 goto:UsersFilesFolder
if /i %UserInput%==134 goto:UsersLibrariesFolder
if /i %UserInput%==135 goto:VideosLibrary
if /i %UserInput%==136 goto:Windows
goto :Options
explorer shell:3D Objects & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AccountPictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AddNewProgramsFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Administrative Tools & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppData & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppDataDesktop & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppDataDocuments & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppDataFavorites & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppDataProgramData & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Application Shortcuts & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppMods & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppsFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:AppUpdatesFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Cache & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Camera Roll & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CameraRollLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Captures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CD Burning & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Administrative Tools & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common AppData & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Desktop & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Documents & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Programs & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Start Menu & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Start Menu Places & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Startup & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Common Templates & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CommonDownloads & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CommonMusic & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CommonPictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CommonRingtones & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CommonVideo & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ConflictFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ConnectionsFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Contacts & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Cookies & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CredentialManager & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CryptoKeys & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:CSCFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Desktop & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Development Files & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Device Metadata Store & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:DocumentsLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Downloads & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:DpapiKeys & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Favorites & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Fonts & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:GameTasks & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:History & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:HomeGroupCurrentUserFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:HomeGroupFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:InternetFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Libraries & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Links & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Local AppData & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Local Documents & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Local Downloads & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Local Music & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Local Pictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Local Videos & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:LocalAppDataLow & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:LocalizedResourcesDir & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:MAPIFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:MusicLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:My Music & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:My Pictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:My Video & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:MyComputerFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:NetHood & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:NetworkPlacesFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:OEM Links & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:OneDrive & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:OneDriveCameraRoll & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:OneDriveDocuments & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:OneDriveMusic & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:OneDrivePictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Original Images & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Personal & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PhotoAlbums & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PicturesLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Playlists & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PrintersFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PrintHood & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Profile & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ProgramFiles & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommon & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64 & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ProgramFilesX64 & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ProgramFilesX86 & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Programs & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Public & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PublicAccountPictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PublicGameTasks & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:PublicLibraries & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Quick Launch & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Recent & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Recorded Calls & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:RecordedTVLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:RecycleBinFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ResourceDir & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Retail Demo & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Ringtones & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Roamed Tile Images & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Roaming Tiles & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SavedGames & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SavedPictures & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SavedPicturesLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Screenshots & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Searches & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SearchHistoryFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SearchHomeFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SearchTemplatesFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SendTo & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Start Menu & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Startup & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SyncCenterFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SyncResultsFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SyncSetupFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:System & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SystemCertificates & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:SystemX86 & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Templates & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ThisDeviceFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:ThisPCDesktopFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:User Pinned & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:UserProfiles & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:UserProgramFiles & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:UserProgramFilesCommon & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:UsersFilesFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:UsersLibrariesFolder & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:VideosLibrary & cls & goto :Options
explorer shell:Windows & cls & goto :Options
Another Project finished !
I hope someone finds it useful.
NOTE:- I have Re-Scripted the above code using an Array
instead of goto:
in Post #12 below.