Please notice:
Every now and then I get messages from members asking me to help privately, either per private messages, email, Skype and whatnot. Some have found my email address or request assistance on YouTube and Twitter.
I cannot talk for other senior members on Ten Forums, how they react to these messages, but my policy is strict: I will in no case offer any kind of private assistance, nor will I reply those messages requesting it.
The reason is simple: you describing your issue privately to me, me assisting you to resolve it again completely privately, it does not help other members with similar issues. The whole idea of a site like Ten Forums is that issues are posted in general areas, visible to all members and visitors alike, they may be replied and answered by multiple members, and possible resolutions can be seen by your fellow geeks facing similar issues. That benefits not only you but your fellow geeks, too.
Short: Please do not VM, PM, email, tweet your issues to me. I will not reply.