I'm still having trouble with sysprep fatal errors. As I understand it, Kari has got this to work, but I'm still having no success.
So I've posted a video, just in case someone can spot what I'm doing wrong. Some details of what I'm trying to do are:
- Run in a Virtualbox VM
- Using Build 10130, converted from ESD to ISO. (But I've had the same problems with 10122 and 10074.)
- 32-bit version of Windows
- Booted in non-EFI mode (I guess I'd call that BIOS mode?)
- It's a clean install in a partition which I've deleted in Setup
- The video starts when the install has got to the settings screen, with nothing else done in Setup since selecting the partition. At the start of the video I press Ctrl-Shift-F3
- I have a VHD linked into the VM, containing installers for Firefox, VLC Player, 7zip, Adobe Reader
- Network is disabled in my VM
- I want to use sysprep to generalize, as I'm trying to learn more about DISM etc., and all the Microsoft instructions I've seen say you need to generalize in sysprep.
- I'm not trying to use an answer file
The video is rough and ready, - I've not had time to edit and there's no sound. (You might want to skip to around 4 minutes 45 into the video for the action .)
So can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong/ not doing? Or is it a defect somewhere?
Thanks for your time!