Office 365 Admin page still not displaying in IE11 and after Sysprep
Further to my previous posts on this issue I've done some further tests.
Firstly, this is how the Office 365 Admin Preview page should look in IE11:
...ands this is how it looks after Sysprepping:
No page body or left toolbar.
Despite Kari's assurance that there's no connection between this and SysPrepping, I've been able to reproduce this issue many times on different VMs - each time the page is fine before SysPrep and fails to display afterwards, so I decided to do a new basic VM build without any customisations, installations or updates - just a plain simple basic VM to see if I could narrow the problem down. Here's the Checkpoint history in Hyper-V:
The new 'BasicVM' is as simple as I could make it so I could eliminate (or otherwise) my customisations as a possible cause. I accepted all defaults except for specifying a New Virtual Switch as this is needed.
I then added a couple of VHDX drives, again because they're needed. My existing answer file includes folder redirection, so a second (D) drive is needed. The third drive is a temporary drive needed to save the later Macrium image for deployment, should it get that far.
I then installed the OS from my MS Action Pack ISO (Windows 10 Pro x64 v1511), rebooted to Audit Mode, initialised the VHDs (assigning drive letters D and E), activated the network and installed the required WADK component (SIM).
I then started SIM and loaded the Answer File I'd used on the last VM build (where problem was showing after SysPrep). The SIM seems to pick up either the catalog file (.clg) and/or the WIM file (install.wim) as no catalog gets made (so no beer at this point, Kari). The file verification showed no errors, so I took a Checkpoint and started an elevated command window to do SysPrep.
After SysPrep ran, I completed OOBE boot and logged on as my user account (created during SysPrep) and started IE11 (no mods as none were made, so I get the default MSN and Welcome pages). I then log in to my Office 365 Admin Preview and the problem's there.
At this point I know it's none of my Audit Mode installs or settings that are causing the problem, so it must be either the SysPrep procedure itself or it's something to do with the Answer file (or the way it's being applied).
By reverting to the point just before running SysPrep I'm able to run it again without the '/unattend...' switch so it's just a plain basic VM being SysPrepped without any folder redirection or user accounts specified in the Answer File.
This time OOBE boot stops at the account creation stage and I enter my details to create a local account.
After logging on, I start IE, go to the Office 365 login and the Admin page displays fine.
At this point it's clear it's not SysPrep itself and it's likely there's something wrong with either my answer file or the way I'm using it.
I revert to the point where I've just installed WADK to do an new, really simple answer file exactly as shown in this tutorial.
Starting from scratch with the SIM I follow exactly the stages as per the tutorial, browsing to the install.wim file, waiting whilst a new catalog is made (still no beer as I'm at work) and adding just the 'CopyProfile=true' and a couple of the OEM fields so it's as simple and close to the tutorial as possible.
I then did the validation and got exactly the same 'warning' lines as shown in the tutorial. I then saved the answer file and ran SysPrep with all the suggested switches as shown.
SysPrep completed fine, but the VM didn't shut down because I'd used the '/quit' switch as shown in the tutorial screenshot rather than the '/shutdown' one quoted in the code line, so all's as it should be.
After restarting, completing OOBE and logging on as my user account, however, the problem's still there when I log in to Office 365.
This shows that it's none of my customisations, installations or settings changes that are causing this and when SysPrep is used with even the simplest answer file it seems to cause this issue. ...unless there's still something wrong that I'm missing.
The only difference I could see was when comparing my Answerfile.xml viewed in IE to that in the tutorial. It's not exactly the same, but all the key elements referred to in the tutorial appear to be correct and I'm wondering if the difference is because I'm on v1511 and the tutorial was done with an earlier version of Windows. Unfortunately, I'm out of my depth here so I'm hoping someone can verify this or spot the error in my Answer File:
I do hope somebody can help with this as I've spent months trying to get this right and it's driving me crazy!