Please notice the below only applies to build 10240. All later builds of Windows 10 have serious sysprep issues.
If you install applications in Audit Mode before sysprepping and don't launch them, the app settings will be just fine for the end user, as you mentioned you had them in Windows 8.1.
If you for some reason launch the apps while in Audit Mode signed in as the built-in administrator, the appdata needs to be modified as in the video in your quote. In the video I only do it for the VLC Player but as an example that is valid. The only purpose of that video is to show what to do if the apps were launched before sysprepping and copying the default user profile with CopyProfile=true.
Usually you have no need for this, no need to launch the apps before sysprepping. However, if certain appdata / configuration changes are needed, the application needs to be launched in order for it to create the configuration files, and Appdata (and / or ProgramData) needs to be modified before sysprepping to get the correct data copied to the default user profile.