Quick way to confirm hibernation is disabled:
Run following from command prompt or powershell:
Output should include:Code:powercfg /a
" Hibernate
Hibernation has not been enabled."
I have just created this one liner inCMD Prompt
which will show eitherHibernation is Enabled.
orHibernation is Disabled.
. . .
Code:@echo off & cls & setlocal EnableExtensions & for /f "tokens=3" %a in ('reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Power\ ^| find /i "HibernateEnabled "') do if %a==0x1 (echo. & echo Hibernation is Enabled.) else (echo. & echo Hibernation is Disabled.) & pause > nul & exit
I was diligent as always before posting. Had cycled it off/on, more than once. Also restarted Windows. Reviewed in regedit and in powercfg.cpl many times during the course. Also checked BIOS settings, saw that there is nothing related to power states.
With regard to lack of support by "hiberfile type" as shown in screen snip above: Now, much later in the circus, I repeated powercfg /h type full, it took. As result, powercfg -a and Power Options show hibernation.
MS and slot machine manufacturers hire the same designers.
Code:By default, the size of the hidden protected OS "C:\hiberfil.sys" file is 40% of the total amount of RAM installed on your computer.
This Microsoft link was last updated on 04/28/2023:
Code:The Hiberfil.sys hidden system file is located in the root folder of the drive where the operating system is installed. The Windows Kernel Power Manager reserves this file when you install Windows. The size of this file is approximately equal to how much random access memory (RAM) is installed on the computer. The computer uses the Hiberfil.sys file to store a copy of the system memory on the hard disk when the hybrid sleep setting is turned on. If this file is not present, the computer cannot hibernate.