So there is no setting to force searchbox for all users/ newly created users?
So there is no setting to force searchbox for all users/ newly created users?
Thanks for the help!!
Thank you Brink, looking better now
But... why would someone want to force others to see a big ugly search bar there? That's almost as odd as all the people who say things like "Press Win + X to open your Power user menu and select 'Run' then type..."
The later wins because "Power user" is a phrase that needs to be followed by a sweet guitar riff and a video of a 90 year old women slowly pressing two keys and then shooting us a thumbs up while putting on her sunglasses to let everyone know she's a Power user now. I don't understand how anyone could regularly say it in a serious way and not cry at night because of it. Mostly the two things are similar because without the big ugly search box and without the hotkey combo and extra menu you can just tap the windows key and start typing and get the same result. The run command box is less effective than not using it, and the search bar has no value besides making things look worse.
Hello Michael, and welcome to Ten Forums.
This setting would only affect your account, and not all accounts on the computer.
It's just a matter of personal preference. I suppose if you do a lot of searches, a search bar on the taskbar may make it quicker and easier to perform them.
The Win+X menu is actually officially called and referenced in the registry as the "Quick Link menu" instead. I'm not sure how "Power user menu" got started.