How to Reset Network Data Usage in Windows 10
Windows 10 includes a feature to let you view the network data usage of the PC from the last 30 days. The data usage is itemized per type of network (ex: Wi-Fi or Ethernet), and by app usage.
Starting with Windows 10 build 18956, network data usage has now been combined to show on the network status page.
This tutorial will show you how to reset network data usage stats back to zero as needed in Windows 10.
You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to reset network data usage.
- Option One: To Reset Specific Network Data Usage Stats in Settings
- Option Two: To Reset All Network Data Usage Stats using a BAT file
- Option Three: To Reset All Network Data Usage Stats in Command Prompt
- Option Four: To Manually Reset All Network Data Usage Stats
EXAMPLE: Network data usage overview
To Reset Specific Network Data Usage Stats in Settings
This option in Settings is only available starting with Windows 10 build 16199.
1. Open
Settings, and click/tap on the
Network & Internet icon.
2. Click/tap on
Data usage on the left side, and either click/tap on a specific network or
View usage per app link on the right side.. (see screenshots below)
Starting with Windows 10 build 18956, you will need to click/tap on the Status icon on the left side instead, and click/tap on the Data usage button of the network you want on the right side.
3. Select the network (ex: Wi-Fi) that you want to reset data usage for in the
Show usage from drop down, and click/tap on the
Reset usage stats button. (see screenshot below)
4. Click/tap on
Reset to confirm. (see screenshot below)
5. The data usage stats of only the selected network (ex: Wi-Fi) has now been reset. (see screenshot below)
6. If you would like to reset the data usage stats of another network (ex: Ethernet), then you can repeat
step 3 above to select to reset it. Otherwise, you can close Settings if you like.
To Reset All Network Data Usage Stats using a BAT file
1. Click/tap on the Download button below to download the .bat file below.
This is the contents of the .bat file for reference.
powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/s,/c,net stop DPS > NUL 2>&1 & DEL /F /S /Q /A "%windir%\System32\sru\*" & net start DPS > NUL 2>&1' -Verb runAs"
2. Save the .bat file to your desktop.
3. Unblock the .bat file.
4. Run the .bat file.
5. When prompted by
UAC, click/tap on
Yes to approve the .bat file to
run as administrator.
6. You will now see a command prompt flash and quickly open and close to reset the network data usage stats.
To Reset All Network Data Usage Stats in Command Prompt
1. Open an
elevated command prompt.
2. Copy and paste the commands below one at a time into the elevated command prompt, and press
Enter after each command. (see screenshot below)
net stop DPS
DEL /F /S /Q /A "%windir%\System32\sru\*"
net start DPS
3. When finished, you can close the elevated command prompt if you like.
To Manually Reset All Network Data Usage Stats
1. Perform either action below for how you want to not have any network activity. (see screenshot below)
A) Temporarily disable all of your active network adapter(s), and close anything that accesses the network (ex: web browsers).
B) Start Windows into
safe mode without networking.
2. Open File Explorer, browse to the
C:\Windows\System32\sru folder, and open it. (see screenshot below step 3)
3. Delete all contents inside the
sru folder. Be sure to NOT delete the
sru folder. (see screenshot below)
4. Enable you active network adapter(s) again, or start Windows back into
normal mode.
That's it,