Open Action Center in Windows 10  

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    Open Action Center in Windows 10

    Open Action Center in Windows 10

    How to Open and Use Action Center in Windows 10
    Published by Category: Customization
    25 Jun 2021
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Open and Use Action Center in Windows 10

    In Windows 10, action center is where to find your app notifications, as well as quick actions, which give you quick access to commonly used settings and apps.

    The action center will show you all of your past notifications until you clear them. This can be useful if you had a notification pop-up, and you missed what it said.

    Starting with Windows 10 build 14328, the Action Center icon has moved to the far corner of the taskbar so it is more distinct from other icons – making it easier to interact with it. There is a badge that now displays the number of notifications you have missed, and we are making it easier for you to know what app your notifications are from by adding a subtle animation to the icon (showing the sender app’s logo) whenever you receive notifications that do not show a toast. Individual app notifications in Action Center no longer show the app icon repeated for each notification and will only be seen in the header that groups together all the notifications specific for that app. This change allows for more space in Action Center to show more content.

    Starting with Windows 10 build 15019, newly downloaded apps and games from the Store will now show download progress inside of the Action Center.

    Starting with Windows 10 build 16215, the Action Center has been redesigned to provide much clearer information separation and hierarchy. And the new design for Action Center also includes elements of the Fluent Design System such as acrylic.
    Open Action Center in Windows 10-action_center_fluent_design_acrylic.jpg

    This tutorial will show you how to open and use Action Center for notifications and quick actions in Windows 10.

    Action Center Icon Descriptions:
    Open Action Center in Windows 10-no_notifications.png = No new notifications in action center.
    Open Action Center in Windows 10-new_notification.png = New notifications available in action center.
    Open Action Center in Windows 10-action_center_quiet_hours.png = Quiet hours is turned on.



    How to Open Action Center in Windows 10

    1 Do step 2, 3, 4, or 5 below for what you would like to do.

    2 Press the Windows + A keys.

    3 On a touchscreen, swipe inwards from the right screen border.

    4 Click/tap on the Action Center system icon on the taskbar.

    5 Right click or press and hold on the Action Center system icon on the taskbar, and click/tap on Open Action Center.

    Open Action Center in Windows 10-open_action_center.jpg

    Starting with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14328, the Action Center icon has moved to the far corner of the taskbar so it is more distinct from other icons – making it easier to interact with it.
    Open Action Center in Windows 10-action-center-icon.png


    How to Clear Notifications in Action Center

    1 Do step 2, 3, or 4 below for what you would like to do.

    2 To clear all notifications at once, click/tap on Clear All at the top right corner of the Action Center.

    Open Action Center in Windows 10-action_center_clear_all_notifications.jpg

    3 To clear all notifications from a specific app, select an app title (ex: Mail), and either...

    • Click/tap on the X to the right.
    • Press the Delete key.
    • Drag the app tile to the right with mouse or touchpad.
    • On a touchscreen swipe the app tile to the right.
    • Starting with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14342, select an app's name and click the middle button scroll wheel on your mouse.

    Open Action Center in Windows 10-action_center_clear_all_notifications_for_app.jpg Open Action Center in Windows 10-swipe_to_clear_all_notification.jpg

    4 To clear a single notification, select a notification, and either...

    • Click/tap on the X to the right.
    • Press the Delete key.
    • Click/tap on a notification from an app to open it and clear it.
    • Drag the notification to the right with mouse or touchpad.
    • On a touchscreen, swipe the notification to the right.
    • Starting with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14342, select a notification and click the middle button scroll wheel on your mouse.

    Open Action Center in Windows 10-action_center_clear_single_notification.jpg Open Action Center in Windows 10-swipe_to_clear_notification.jpg


    How to View Notification in Action Center

    1 Do step 2 or step 3 below for what you would like to do.

    2 Click/tap on a notification from an app (ex: Mail) to open the app.

    3 Click/tap on the arrow to the right of a notification to expand and view all of the notification.

    Open Action Center in Windows 10-expand_notification.jpg


    How to Use Quick Actions in Action Center

    1 At the bottom of the Action Center, click/tap on Expand or Collapse, and click/tap on the button of the quick action you want to open. (see screenshot below)

    Open Action Center in Windows 10-quick_actions.jpg

    That's it,

  1. pjd
    Posts : 54
    Windows 10 Pro 1511 build 10568.3

    Any way to put the action centre icon out of sight in the tray - its presence on the task bar irritates me. It doesn't appear in the list of things to show and hide and it can't be moved by drag dropping onto the 'open the tray arrow'.

    Oh, having it jump out on right edge of monitor is not a solution

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,314
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello pjd, :)

    If you like, you could disable the action center to remove it.
      My Computers

  3. pjd
    Posts : 54
    Windows 10 Pro 1511 build 10568.3

    Yeah I done that - but then how to see the messages I missed - wonder why they made it so it can't be put in the tray - and what was wrong with the flag? And there's no history.

    Never mind
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,314
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    It's no problem. Action center would be a system icon that you can turn off without disabling the action center.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 72,314
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Starting with Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14342, Action Center now supports the popular dismiss model of middle-clicking on a notification via the middle button scroll wheel on your mouse to a single notification. Middle-clicking on an app’s name will dismiss all the notifications listed for that app.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 31

    "The Action Center will show you all of your past notifications until you clear them. This can be useful if you had a notification pop-up, and you missed what it said."

    i agree that in w10 1511 it worked like that and it was usefull to me, but now on win10 1607 once i click the A.C icon to see the notifications and when i close the center and reopen it i don't see my past notifications anymore and i miss that feature from 1511.

    i didn't dismiss them or clear the list, i just click the A.C icon to close.

    is there a way for the 1607 A.C. to work like it did before and keep my past notifs until i actually clear them manually ?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 72,314
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Smitty, :)

    You can adjust how many notifications will show for an app in action center to help.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 31

    hello Brink, actually it was the setting to display the app's notifications in the action center, the "show in action center" was deactivated for some apps. they showed up but didn't stay long.

    now if only i could add programs that don't have installers to the list of apps in notifications.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,314
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    I'm glad you got that part sorted. :)

    I find that apps don't get added to the list in notifications until after they send a notification. You might also check the settings in the app itself to see if there may be a setting to turn on/off notifications there as well.
    Last edited by Brink; 30 Sep 2016 at 10:51.
      My Computers


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