Thanks Kari. I don't remember the last time I downloaded the tool but it worked anyway before I saw your notice. :)
Thanks Kari. I don't remember the last time I downloaded the tool but it worked anyway before I saw your notice. :)
just a suggestion, you can make the zip a direct download by replacing ?redir by ?download
Rest should be the same
— Twitter API (@user) View on Twitter
The tool and the method in this tutorial work without issues with the latest Insider Build 14328 ESD file, released today.
The tool (cryptokeys needed to decrypt the ESD file) was last updated on January 28, 2016; if you have downloaded the tool after that update you don't have to redownload it. If your tool was downloaded earlier, please remove it (delete the folder) and redownload before using it. The older version of the tool might create faulty ISO image or not work at all with Build 14328 ESD file.
Download link in the first post (step 1.3).
Hi Kari
Am attempting to upgrade from 7 to 10 but need to restore Users and ProgramData to C before I do. I have had the same error as mendizalea back at #520 when trying to run ESDtoISO to convert the ESD file I have downloaded with the Media Creation Tool to WIM so I can complete your relocation script (have posted already over at that thread and thought I had worked it out).
Kyhi has suggested solutions at #523 which I don't really understand - the Ultimate ESD tools give many options and I'm not clear on whether the Techbench download will work with an upgrade.
Can you give me some advice please?
As this is all related to questions in another post of you, I replied to that. See my reply: Users Folder - Move Location in Windows 10 - Page 53 - Windows 10 Forums
Using the Media Creation Tool ISO or the Techbench ISO is not an issue with the upgrade...
The ESD from the Media Creation Tool is not the correct ESD to create an ISO...
The techbench ISO already contains an Install.wim and is the preferred choice...
— Twitter API (@user) View on Twitter
The tool and the method in this tutorial work without issues with the latest Insider Build 14332 ESD file, released today.
The tool (cryptokeys needed to decrypt the ESD file) was last updated on January 28, 2016; if you have downloaded the tool after that update you don't have to redownload it. If your tool was downloaded earlier, please remove it (delete the folder) and redownload before using it. The older version of the tool might create faulty ISO image or not work at all with Build 14332 ESD file.
Download link in the first post (step 1.3).